One-Pan Italian Skillet & Life Moving Too Fast

I’m excited to introduce you to my One-Pan Italian Skillet, but we’ll get to that in a minute…

It’s May?!  How the heck did that happen?  Could someone please find April and send it back to me??  Good gravy that month went fast and I know it’s because I spent 75% of it at track meets, which is fantastic because I love trackwatching anything the boys are involved with, but dang it was busy and I feel like this site suffered because of it.  The reality is that it probably did suffer…lack of new posts, etc. but the other reality is that is where my life is right now and I knew something had to give and I also knew that you would all understand and appreciate the fact that I was focused on my guys!  So, thank you for your graciousness and patience…it is much appreciated!

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Friday in Franklin County: Jaspersen Insurance & Real Estate

Is there anything better than a locally owned family business?  Yeah, I don’t think so either!  This week we’re visiting Tim Christianson from Jaspersen Insurance & Real Estate in Sheffield (very Northern Franklin County).  Jaspersen’s has been a fixture on main street Sheffield since January 1, 2000 and in that time they’ve earned the trust and confidence from their customers and grown exponentially!  So much so in fact that they are in the process of expanding from the current building into the building next to them to make room to bring more people on board.  Now a growing, locally-owned, family business…well, it just doesn’t get any better than that!!

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Comments for a Cause: Laura & MS Walk

One of the greatest things about the North Iowa Bloggers is that when one of them falls, everyone else is around to pick them up! That’s why when I heard that one of them had been diagnosed with MS, I knew that I wanted to help!

I have to admit…I knew Laura Meyer of Speaking of Laura for several months (she had done some graphic design work for me including creating my logo here at Social Impact) without ever knowing that she had been diagnosed with MS. One of the first things that struck me about Laura when I met her was her vibrancy for life! She’s incredibly upbeat, creative, and outgoing. I would never have guessed that she was struggling with something so serious.

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Comments for a Cause: Laura & MS Walk

One of the greatest things about the North Iowa Bloggers is that when one of them falls, everyone else is around to pick them up! That’s why when I heard that one of them had been diagnosed with MS, I knew that I wanted to help!

I have to admit…I knew Laura Meyer of Speaking of Laura for several months (she had done some graphic design work for me including creating my logo over at Social Impact) without ever knowing that she had been diagnosed with MS.  One of the first things that struck me about Laura when I met her was her vibrancy for life!  She’s incredibly upbeat, creative, and outgoing.  I would never have guessed that she was struggling with something so serious.

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A Week In the Life of Me, Part 1

You often see bloggers do “a day in my life” and I’m always intrigued reading these because I love to see how others live. I decided that I was going to do the same type of thing, but instead decided that I’m going to do a week in the life of me because so often it isn’t one day that makes up my crazy schedule or busy life, or exhausts me…it’s the week all smushed together! So, enjoy!!moments

Sunday – Sunday mornings are usually pretty casual and laid back around our home.  This is also when I get lots of chores done. Today it’s coffee & breakfast with T, then chores (laundry, unloading and reloading the dishwasher, prepping fruits, veggies, and lunches for the week).  Then, doing some blogging of course and working on Facebook posts for some of the businesses I work with over on Social Impact.  Lunch came next followed by a lot of working outside.  Supper with R, a relaxing bath, and then chilling until bedtime (it never comes early enough on the weekends when we work outside so much).

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Friday in Franklin County: Sheffield

I might be a little biased (I work there), but the town of Sheffield located in northern Franklin County is a pretty great little community! They have a lot going for themselves and yet are working hard to battle the typical small town community demise.  Their efforts vary and come from the heart, which is why I decided to feature the entire town today in “Friday in Franklin County”!

This quaint town is located on the northern border of Franklin County and is population 1172 (at the last census).  The current mayor in office is the youngest Mayor in the history of the town and they are home to one of the busiest Casey’s General Stores in the state.


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Advice for Those Who Aren’t Step-Parents

Advice for Those Who Aren’t Step-Parents

Step-parenting is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done and sadly society doesn’t make it any easier.  For as long as divorce and remarriage has been a “common” thing, one would think that there would be more acceptance of step-parents and less cliches!  However, the longer I am one…the less I realize this is true!  That being said, my life is so much richer and full because of having my step-sons in my life and I can’t imagine my life without them in it.  So, I decided to compile some advice for people who aren’t step-parents!


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