Welcome to Friday in Franklin County! This week we are in Sheffield and visiting Timeless Treasure and owner Vera Campbell!

Vera has always been into antiques…or as long as she can remember! She used to go to garage sales and auctions to feed her addiction and then she met her partner Tom and that addiction grew even more! What came next only seemed natural. She opened her own antique store on Hwy 65 north of Sheffield, however her schedule didn’t allow her to have regular hours. After about 5 years in business she closed that shop, but Vera’s story wasn’t over yet.

In the winter of 2015, she got the opportunity to purchase a historic building on mainstreet Sheffield and thus began her true dream of owning her own antique store! Vera’s store is located at 223 Gilman and was originally built in teh 1940’s as Coates Implement (an International Harvestor dealer) at the time. It then transitioned into D&D Feeds and later went on to become Culp’s Chuckwagon and then the Sheffield Inn. The Inn, a small breakfast and lunch cafe owned by Eugue Sukup closed in December of 2014 and Vera saw her chance. She contacted Eugene, purchased the building, renovated parts of it, and opened in June of 2015.
While her daughter named the shop Timeless Treasure (the same name her shop on the highway held), it is Vera’s love for jewelry, glassware, and pottery that fills the shop to the brim. Tom favors the older antiques, stoneware, and furniture so they have something for everyone! Oh, and not to mention that you can buy native Iowa wines there as well!

When asked about what Vera likes about owning her own business in a small town, she says it’s all about the people she gets to meet and listen to them tell her stories about their lives. She and Tom also have plans to open Sheffield Area Museum in the back of the building and also feature classic cars as well.
Timeless Treasure is open Thursday through Saturday 10AM-5PM. Vera is also very excited to be a part of the North Iowa Junk & Treasure Crawl April 29th and 30th! You can also find them on the WEB and FACEBOOK! Stop in and check out Timeless Treasure and tell them Katy sent you!
What business in Franklin County do you think should be featured as part of Friday in Franklin County??
I had never heard of Timeless Treasure before and now I’ve got to check it out, along with the North Iowa Junk & Treasure Crawl! There are so many businesses in Franklin County that I love. On my need to stop list right now is Cornerstone Cottage because I know they’ll have exactly what I want for a couple baby and child gifts!
Yay! I’m so glad to introduce you to a new business! Cornerstone Cottage is a great place!
Yay! I’m so glad to introduce you to a new business! Cornerstone Cottage is a great place! I haven’t been in there for awhile!