I Love Carbs – I knew it before giving the 21 Day Fix a spin, I knew this, but the Fix has made it even more apparent! While you don’t have to cut carbs out completely, you do have to cut back and consume ones that aren’t too processed and eat ones that are full of whole grains! Do you know what I miss the most?? Cereal..yup, cold cereal! I love that stuff and still crave it, in all it’s sugary processed glory!!

Vegetables are my best friend – I’ve never been too picky about vegetables, eating cucumbers, asparagus, broccoli, and cauliflower. However, the Fix has shown me that if I fill up on them, I’m not hungry and I feel better. With the Fix system and lifestyle you can pretty much eat as many vegetables as you want (without cheese sauce of course) and so I fill up daily on carrots, broccoli, and spinach! The Fix has also taught me to get creative with my vegetables. Using a food processor and adding cauliflower and other veggies to dishes in substitute of rice and grains has been a fantastic way to get my veggies in and not consume processed foods.
What tastes good is not necessarily good for my body – Recently, T and I went out for supper with my mom and step-dad. We went to a newer restaurant in our area and I ordered the Peppercorn Filet. It was a grilled Filet Mignon with a creamy peppercorn sauce. The steak was tender and the sauce was amazingly delicious. There wasn’t a lake of it on my plate, but I ate every last bite because it was so delicious and I endured the worst gut ache for hours after. I learned that my body has adjusted to eating more clean than ever before and it cannot handle such rich foods anymore. I’ve learned that I have to be very strict with certain foods (chips, cookies, cream sauces, etc) and my consumption of them. A taste or two, yes…a whole bag of chips, nope!
Not only does my body feel better, my mind feels better – Yes, following the Fix has not only made my body feel better, but because the processed foods are limited and the sugar is limited, my mind feels better…it’s more clear!
The Fix isn’t a quick fix, but a lifestyle – For me, while I love to try and aim to follow the 21 Day Fix program to a T and follow through with all 21 days…well, my life just doesn’t always allow it, so I’ve learned to adapt this Fix to my lifestyle. It does however, serve as a strict guideline for my day to day diet, it helps me to really think about the amount of processed foods I’m consuming or when I thought I was just snacking on a few chips and was really consuming a whole snack bag amount.
I truly believe that each and every person needs to develop their own food diet (not a diet to lose weight, but the foods they consume) that works for them and I’m so happy that I’ve found this lifestyle for me! What works for you? How would you coin your food lifestyle??
If you’re interested in learning more about the 21 Day Fix, feel free to contact me or Coach Shannon!
Great perspective on the 21 Day Fix. I understand missing cold cereal. I usually let the kids pick which cereals we have in the house so then I won’t mind not having a bowl and instead have eggs or a fruit shake or something “better” for me in the morning. But the other week, Cinnamon Life cereal was on sale and I couldn’t help but buy it. It tasted good, but I’m happy the box is gone now!
Thanks! I so get it! I used to eat cereal for my night snack every night, so sometimes I just stand and state longingly at it! Lol!
Eating more veggies is not difficult for me but those salty snacks are what do me in every time. I love the crunch but I can get that from carrots, right? Nice take away on what you have learned. I missed this the first time around I think!
I’m the same way! I love a good salty chip! Lol! Thanks for stopping by!