A couple of weeks ago I asked some of my blogging friends for recipes using roasts. You see, we get beef a half a cow at a time from farmers that we know well. We have it taken directly from their farm to our favorite locker (Lewright Meats in Eagle Grove, Iowa) and then it all comes home and fits (almost perfectly) in our upright freezer! For some reason we seem to have a lot of “extra” roasts, so I’ve been trying different things from Pepsi Roast (it was pretty tasty) to other recipes that were not so much! (That one with the red wine, gak!)
Anyway, Jenny from In the Kitchen With Jenny was kind enough to share her Tostada recipe with me! (You can find her recipe HERE!) Now, mine is not hers! Hers inspired mine, but I will admit that I don’t keep a lot of spices in the house and didn’t have the majority of what she used to make hers, so I just went with the general idea and came up with my version of Shredded Beef Tostadas.

Shredded Beef Tostadas
- 3-4 cups cooked roast beef
- 1-2 packets of taco seasoning
- 2 cups beef broth
- shredded cheddar cheese
- 1 can refried beans
- shredded lettuce
- tostada shells
- chopped tomato & onion
- Begin by dissolving taco seasoning in the beef broth.
- Next, shred the cooked roast beef into bite size pieces and place in a small crockpot. Pour beef and taco broth over the meat. Let cook for at least 4 hours.
- To assemble the tostadas: warm the refried beans and spread a thin layer on the tostada shells.
- Drain your meat and add that to the top of the refried beans.
- Then, top with shredded cheddar cheese and place under a broiler just to melt the cheese.
- Top with shredded lettuce, onions, tomatoes, and a dollop of sour cream!

This recipe made more meat than we needed (I made 2 tostada’s each…even though we didn’t finish them both!) They are much more filling than we anticipated and so I used the shredded meat later in the week to make a healthy lunch! I spread Light Swiss Laughing Cow Cheese on the inside of a whole wheat Smart Pocket by Toufayan and then stuffed some shredded seasoned beef in there! It had a great flavor and mixing with the Laughing Cow Cheese, it was creamy!!

I hope you enjoy this festive meal as much as I did and enjoy the versatility of the main ingredient!!
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I brought home my first bag of tostadas the day you were posting about this! I can’t believe I haven’t made them at home before. They are a great steal at Aldi’s. Now Jake likes them better than tacos.
I love Tostada shells! T does not because he doesn’t like eating things with his hands (other than sandwiches and stuff like that!)!
I love tostadas, and order them every time we eat at Tasty tacos! Now i’m going to need to try them at home sometime! YUMMY!
I’ve actually never had one until now and these are soooo easy!
Yum! They look quick, easy, and delicious!
They are! Thank you!
I have my pork roast out. This is going to be crockin tomorrow @ In the Kitchen with Jenny! Thanks for checking out my recipe and making it your own!!
Yum! Thanks so much for sharing and inspiring me!
They look awesome ! ! !
Thank you! I think they are!!