Between the three of us we selected 6 different flavors starting with the “odd” flavors of Pineapple, Peach, Pina Colada, then adding Black Cherry, Misty Mountain, & Lemon Lime! Part of this taste test was exciting for M because we don’t buy or stock pop in our house! The other half is because he thrives on doing things as a family and this was an incredibly affordable activity! Each 20oz soda was 89 cents! Then, we added in some plastic Dixie cups and that rounded out our grand total investment to $6.34! Good cheap, family fun!

Once home we poured half a Dixie cup of each flavor for all four of us (R was home from work in time to join us) and I quickly created ballots with each flavor on it! Then, the tasting began. Once again, just like our other taste tests, we all taste very differently! R is very methodical and calculated in his testing, while M is just all over the place! I love their differences in personalities and it truly comes out in an activity like this! We heard comments like, “tastes like flat Sprite” (Lemon Lime), “tastes like weird Mountain Dew” (Misty Mountain), “why does it have to taste like sunscreen?” (Pina Colada), and “gaaaak!” (Peach)! It was a fantastic time and in the end Black Cherry ended up winning, but personally my favorite was the Pineapple! (So much so that I finished it off the next day!)

We challenge you to find a fun taste test to do with your family! We know you won’t regret it!! Who knows what our next taste test will be! Do you have a suggestion for us? We’d love to hear it!!
I love that the boys are into the taste tests! The soda flavors didn’t sound too horrible but sometimes it is a surprise, right? I think you should do the Bean Boozle challenge. ?
I love that they love them too! I’ll have to keep an eye out for the Bean Boozle challenge!
This is such a fun family activity!
Thanks! We had such a blast!
Love this! What a fun family activity, NIB style!
Thanks! We had a great time and they are already ready for their next one!
Looks like you had a lot of fun!
We did! Thanks for stopping by!
was this taste test done with the old or new flavers?
This taste test was done almost three years ago. And merely in fun with my kids!
Hi I would love to try Wildwood beverages. I hear they are fun flavors. Christine
We enjoyed sampling them!
Is this the only way people can make comments on the product?
I would contact the company directly. This is simply our opinions of a fun taste test.