Category: Iowa
Friday in Franklin County: Timeless Treasure
Friday in Franklin County: Christensen Jewelry

First up is Christensen Jewelry and owner Russell Gibson! Russ first got started in jewelry making in high school when he took a metals & jewelry class during his sophomore year at Washington High School in Washington, Iowa. The art teacher did jewelry work on the side and was very involved with everything the kids did. During the class they learned the proper techniques to hand make everything, cut and finish the stones, etc. They were required to produce a minimum of 30 designs before they were allowed to create a piece itself. One semester in this class and Russ was hooked.

Friday in Franklin County: Christensen Jewelry

First up is Christensen Jewelry and owner Russell Gibson! Russ first got started in jewelry making in high school when he took a metals & jewelry class during his sophomore year at Washington High School in Washington, Iowa. The art teacher did jewelry work on the side and was very involved with everything the kids did. During the class they learned the proper techniques to hand make everything, cut and finish the stones, etc. They were required to produce a minimum of 30 designs before they were allowed to create a piece itself. One semester in this class and Russ was hooked.

I Created with Kelly Gau Studio

the results that I ended up leaving it hanging on my house until the very end of February! So, up until this point I had faired a solid 50/50 on my DIY events/projects, so it was all up in the air when I went to the West Fork Wharf in Sheffield the other night to create a mixed media item with Kelly Gau Studio! I knew that regardless of what my piece of art looked like, I would have a great time because I was with my dear friends (Alicia of Pork Diaries, Laura of Life On Sky View Farms, Val of Corn, Beans, Pigs, & Kids, and Donna of!
Live Healthy Iowa: A Challenge

Let’s break this down now. What is the Live Healthy Iowa challenge??
“Live Healthy Iowa brings together friends, families, businesses and communities in team-based wellness challenges designed to promote positive lifestyle change. These challenges are proven to change the culture of a company or community, one team at a time!”
State Street Deli: A Delicious Stop
When You Support Farming…
I’m not a farmer. My husband isn’t a farmer, but we’re impacted and have jobs because of farmers. Reality is that when you support farming, you support much more, and so many more than just the farmer!
When you support farming:
- You support the farmer who is putting his young adult child through college to become another really great adult.
- You support the salesman who is supporting his family while his wife stays home and takes care of their young children.
- You support the 20-something young man who does the application of the fertilizer as he ventures through his first full-time job and establishing himself on his own.
- You support the secretary of the seed company, chemical company, or elevator who is a single-mom just trying to do the best she can.
I Made A Wreath at Carlson Tree Farm!
I have good news and really good news! The good news is that I’m much better at making a wreath than I was at painting my own painting! The really good news is that the folks at Carlson Tree Farm, rural Coulter Iowa, make it super easy, are super friendly, and super patient!
Last year when the North Iowa Bloggers set the date for making wreaths at the Carlson Tree Farm, I was bummed to see that my schedule was already full with a basketball game (not that I would trade watching my boys for anything), but I was so happy when I didn’t have a scheduling conflict this year!! So, this past Tuesday I headed out to their farm outside of Coulter, Iowa with 4 of my fellow bloggers (Mary of Natural Plus Nursery; Val of Corn, Beans, Pigs, & Kids; Alicia of The Pork Diaries; and Donna of to see what kind of wreath I could come up with. I’ll be honest that I was excited and yet hesitant because of my debacle trying to do one of those sip & paint classes. A painter I am not, but apparently (with the wonderful help of the Carlson ladies) a wreath maker, I can be!
My Christmas List
I said I wasn’t going to do it! I kind of laughed at those people who did it, but here I am doing it! I’m going to share with you my list of businesses that we are going to be using for Christmas shopping this year!
I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for small, locally owned businesses since I used to manage one and that feeling towards them and wanting them to succeed is still near and dear to my heart! But, it was actually T who said to me…”I want to do as much Christmas shopping locally as possible” and I couldn’t have been more excited!! So, here are my favorite local places to buy Christmas presents…and if you live in North Iowa, I would recommend you give them a try…and if you don’t live here, you need to road trip here! 🙂