Support Iowa Dairy Farmers: Buy Locally
We’re in the middle of a pandemic, but our need for good milk and dairy products hasn’t ended. We’ve all seen the videos, articles, and pictures floating around the interwebs of dairy farmers having to dump out milk due to a variety of reasons. Thankfully, here in Iowa, we can support our local dairy farmers and buy quality products directly from the source! This is especially good news if you’re having problems finding milk in your grocery stores!
Benefits of Milk
Right now, the best thing you can do for yourself and for dairy farmers is to buy milk and other dairy products like yogurt, cheese, & ice cream. Yes, I am ordering you to eat more ice cream! You’re welcome! 😉 There is a large variety of reasons that milk is good for you, but some of the top ones are that milk is packed full of nutrients, its great source of quality protein, it benefits the health of your bones (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and K2), helps prevent weight gain, and it is very versatile in cooking and baking.
There are many benefits of buying locally produced milk as well! It stimulates jobs, supports local families, and stimulates the economy by putting $ back into local economy.
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