French Onion Pork Burgers

We are beef people. Yes, I said it. But, I’ll also add that this pork burger recipe are some of favorite!
Now, in my defense, I grew up around cattle and my dad has worked with cattle in some respect or another for most of my life! Chicken probably comes next in our arsenal of meat with Pork bringing up the rear. Now, that doesn’t mean we don’t like pork, it just typically isn’t at the top of our list.
The Meat of It
That being said, we have go through our half beef faster now than normal! The boys are growing and eating more, so most ground beef recipes require 2 lbs! Because of this we have been forced to eat other meat and try new things to make things stretch until late summer/early fall when we get our next half. Enter pork! When friends of ours gifted us with some pork I decided to try a new recipe. I tried a similar recipe with ground beef quite a few years ago, but decided to give my ground pork a spin-off of that recipe.
Easy Chicken Marinade & Garlic Roasted Sweet Corn
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