- A Candid Shot – every business needs to post candid photos. Are you putting out new merchandise? Giving a customer a new manicure? Making a new arrangement of flowers? Working with a new client? Snap a picture and put it on your Facebook page. Customers want to see you, the owner or manager (and employees), in action! This helps gain trust by your patrons.
- A Neighbor’s Post – show the love for your neighbors or other businesses in your community by sharing their posts or features about what is going on at their location. Building relationships with other business owners (not just your customers) is so important. As a small business owner, you all need to support each other. When one succeeds, all succeed!
- A Personal Post – This post should not necessarily be what you ate for lunch, but maybe how your business is intertwined with your personal life (examples: does your little one go to work with you? Do you take your daughter to market with you to pick out items for your store?) How about the history of your business? Do you have old pictures you can share of you and your business in the early days? People want to be reminded that you are “real” and not just a business owner pushing your products.
- Something Unrelated – Yup, people want to see something else shared or posted, completely unrelated to the products or services you are trying to sell! Maybe you own a jewelry store and can share a post about the trendiest wedding reception food. Own a tanning salon? What are popular prom hairstyles? Get the idea? Maybe it’s just a recipe you tried or some place you visited over the weekend and really liked. Think outside the box and share what you like!
- Your Products & Services – Were you worried that I wasn’t going to give you permission to actually share your products and services? You don’t want to bombard your customers with your items/services, but you definitely want to use Facebook posts to share what you have going on, so go ahead and post them!
Now, how do you balance all these? I recommend following a one a week for each of these. So, post five times a week, one of each of these and you have your posts done! It’s that simple. Oh and don’t forget to go back to your page at least once later in the day to follow-up with any comments or questions! Don’t leave your customers with the idea that you aren’t responsive!
Still not sure how to “do” this Facebook thing? Let’s talk and find the solution that is best for you!
Don’t forget to Comment for a Cause: Laura & MS Walk!