camping, LIVES for this time of year and camping, so here we are…in the rain, smiling even though I’m so tired and want to go home!
How many times as a parent (biological or not) do we do things for our kids because we know how happy it will make them and how much they love it?? We sit in the rain to watch their sporting events, we freeze at football games, we listen to those flat notes at vocal concerts, we give up weekends with girlfriends because we know it’s more important to be at home with them. We let them get muddy because they are having fun even though we know cleaning those clothes is going to be a headache and we eat cold meals because they need something!
Becoming a parent has been one of the most amazing, difficult, and rewarding experiences that I’ve ever experienced. While I get

frustrated, upset, lose my patience, and cry when they do well….when those boys look at me and smile, it’s all worth it! We only have 4 years left with R at home and just thinking about it makes me cry! 7 years with M and that seems entirely too few! So, I’m going to add a few pictures to this post, share it and go back outside where a little boy is loving life because I’m putting his happiness above mine right now and I’m actually happy to do so!!
Aww, rain or shine, what a wonderful way to spend the weekend, being with the boys!
It was! We ended up having a great time and the rain wasn’t all that bad! Although, I was very happy to be home in my house yesterday!
That is one of the advantages of “glamping” at least you have the dry inside and can watch movies etc. Hard to believe those great-nephews of mine are getting so grown up!! Have a blessed few last days before they are out of school for the summer!
They are growing up way too fast for my liking! We don’t talk about it too much or I’m in tears! LOL! T just laughs at me! And yes, Glamping is what we do and I wouldn’t do it any other way!!