Last week you were able to follow me through the first half of a week to see what my life really looks like and how busy we stay! That was Sunday through Wednesday and you can check that out HERE! So, what happened the rest of the week? Here you go!
Thursday – if you recall from last week, my alarm goes off at 5:01AM every morning. Today I’m off to POUND class again and home to shower and prep for work. Once I’m ready, I pack my lunch and breakfast as well as pack M’s lunch to take to school. Off I go! Work until about 12:30 when (and this is incredibly rare) my hubby picked me up for a quick lunch date. The Iowa Grill (food truck) from Mason City is in town today and it’s a gorgeous day, so we are happy to oblige for a quick lunch. Back to work until 4PM (that’s an hour earlier than normal) and I fly home to pick up my mom, T & M to head to another track meet about 45 minutes away. We arrive on our normal scheduled time only to find out we’re a half hour (or so) early for R’s events, so now we kill time…good thing it’s a gorgeous day! We watch his first two events and then quickly head downtown to find some supper (we’re all very tired of concession stand and fast food by this point). Back to the track meet for his last event (he runs the 4×400, which is literally the last event). Thankfully, it isn’t too late and we’re home by about 8:30PM. The dog is limping…why is the dog limping..texting my dog walker (yes, I’ve actually hired a neighbor girl to walk Nike and spend a little time with her all these nights we’ve been at track meets). We discover she’s scraped off part of her pad on her paw…nothing life threatening so we can fall into bed!

Friday – Up at 5AM again, this time for a run and since my cool-down buddy (Nike) is out of comission for a few days, I tack on another half mile or so to my run. Home for weights and abs and a shower. Lunch packed, breakfast packed, and I’m off again! Work a full day and head home. The boys are with their mom this weekend, so T and I take advantage of the quiet and the gorgeous weather and grab some beers and head to our pergola in the backyard by our garden and just relax and visit for an hour or so. Supper is brats (they were supposed to be grilled, but the gale force winds have killed that plan, so mine are warmed on the stove top under an entire can of sauerkraut (and yes, I actually did eat the entire can of sauerkraut) and T does his in the microwave. We’re super gourmet like that! 😉 The rest of the evening is spending time visiting with each other, babying the dog (who is still limping) and watching TV…bliss!
Saturday – T is up at 6AM to head to work and I sleep for another hour or so. After getting up and throwing on some grungy clothes, I make myself a quick breakfast and unload the clean dishes from the dishwasher (and load in the dirty ones) and I’m out the door (coffee in hand) to go work construction with my dad. T meets us there (as does my brother) and we work for about 3 hours. (In case you’re interested…we’re tearing off old siding on a historic church, replacing the rotten plywood underneath and covering it with tar paper before we put new siding on.) I take off at 11 to head to M’s baseball game which is about 15 minutes away and T is only about 10 minutes behind me. (We drive two vehicles because you never know when he’s going to get called to work). Home for a quick lunch and then run errands and get groceries. While getting groceries I discover that my neighbor’s mother had passed away through the night, so home to make food because…well, that’s what I do! I whip up my Porcupine Skillet for them and deviled egg salad (I made it once before for them and it’s their son-in-laws favorite). I head over, deliver that and hugs, and return home to clean up the kitchen and then jump in the shower. Both T & I get ready and then head to pick up my mom and step-dad who we are taking out for Mother’s Day. We have a wonderful time with them at the Anchor Inn and finally are home to call it a night…
Tomorrow is Sunday and we’ll start it all over again. That’s it! That’s a week in my life! It’s not glamorous. Sometimes it’s absolutely insane, but truth be told…I wouldn’t change a thing. I love every single bit of it! Life is mundane sometimes and so “normal” but that’s what I love best about it and I can’t imagine doing with without my three main guys and awesome family! What do your weeks look like?
And remember…don’t forget to Comment for a Cause: Laura & MS Walk!
You are very busy and get a lot accomplished in one day.
You are right Laura, very busy! Lots of times I have to get a lot accomplished in one day or things don’t happen!