Two weeks has come and gone! I’m not quite sure how, but that means we’re back for a garden update!
The Past 2 Weeks
The past two weeks have been crazy in our house. M has started baseball practice, T is crazy busy working with #plant18 in full-swing finally! And R…well, he’s had a couple of amazing weeks! Track has come to an end finally (as of this past Friday), but not without him clenching the conference championship in the 110 High Hurdles along with earning a place at the state track & field championship! I’m always proud of both of the boys, but I have to admit that watching him run at the state track championship this past Friday was the icing on the cake! For me, it’s more about knowing how hard he has worked, how badly he wanted it, and seeing him succeed! He already has new goals for next year and I love that! Now, we have a couple “off” weeks before M starts baseball! He hasn’t played in a couple years, but has been working hard and I can’t wait to watch him play and see how he does!

Flower Gardens
If you know me well by now, you know that I could go on and on for paragraphs about all three of my guys, but I guess that’s not why we’re here today! 😉 So, as I promised two weeks ago, I’m here to share what I’ve planted this year in my flower gardens!
First up is the window boxes, which of course have Dragon Wing Begonias in them! This is the only flower garden that I don’t really change up each year! The begonias do so great in the boxes that I can’t help but replant those every year in the boxes. I do change up the accent flowers and this year, I went with Gulliver White Bacopa. I believe I’ve had Bacopa in the past (can’t remember exactly), but I’m excited about the stark contrast between the red and the while flowers of each!
In the top raised bed surrounding the flag pole, I selected Fireworks Fountain Grass! T likes the more “wild” look than perfectly groomed, so this is our compromise! I’m excited to see those grow big and full! I also added these yellow flowers, which apparently I didn’t keep the garden stake…or it blew away, so I can’t remember what they are called, but again, I’m excited to see the contrast of the colors in this bed!
The lower raised bed around the flag pole got Dusty Whites (they’ve grown well here in the past) and Bandana Cherry Improved Lantana! I love the raspberry and yellow colors of these Lantana’s and am hoping they will grow and fill this area contrasting with the Dusty Whites!
Mr. Bear got a Coral Reef Gerbera Daisy and I love the colors of it’s blooms!
The boot got a NonStop yellow Tuberous Begonia! The yellow should be a great contrast to the reddish/brown boot!
We expanded the area underneath our sign by the road! Last year it was just a small one foot by one foot section…it’s at least double that this year! I planted a variety of pink, purple, & white petunias in it!
Adding Perennials
In the North bed, I lost my Tickseed and Firewitch, so I snagged this King of Black Carnation to replace one of those! I can’t wait to see it bloom and grow!
Finally, in the cement planter by our front door, I did something completely different! I plant two Viola Columbine’s, which are prennials, which means they should come back each year! Then, I fill in around them with white Impatients! I’m in love with the delicate purple blooms of the Columbine’s!
Vegetable Garden
Our vegetable garden is way behind this year thanks to the endless rain this spring! It is in a very low spot of our property and so it’s always the last thing to dry out! Thankfully T started some plants in the house and was diligent about tilling it and getting it dried out, so we do have some things up!
The grape tomato plant I planted in a pot and put on our deck has blooms on it, which means tomatoes soon! YAY!
Well, that’s it for this garden update! As we get more sunshine and warmer temps, the plants will flourish, so I’m sure there will be lots to see in two weeks! Stop back for more then!