A Trip to Nowhere: A COVID-19 Update

We (those of us in Iowa) are officially a full week “in” this COVID-19 mess and on a Trip to Nowhere! What is a travel blogger to do?! It’s a new and weird situation we find ourselves in. I thought I’d just share a brief update of where things are in my world and how it’s affected the Flints so far!

Life Changes

How has COVID-19 changed our lives. Well, both boys are home. M’s high school has suspended classes until mid-April. R’s college has dismissed students from campus and they are completing their spring classes online. So, our grocery bill has definitely taken a jump, but that’s ok! I love having them around more! Track for R has been cancelled and M’s season is on hold until school resumes. It certainly has freed up my schedule in April.

Neither my nor T’s job’s have changed. We both work in fields that are considered “essential” so it’s “business as usual” for us. While I wouldn’t mind some time at home to continue on some home projects I’ve put off, I’m grateful for a job and to be able to work and bring home a paycheck for our family!

I spent a recent weekend painting my kitchen! It’s brightened up and much lighter!

Of course, like everyone else in America, it has caused us to cancel some trips! T and I had a trip to Sedalia and Branson planned this month, but that was put on the back burner! We’re still hoping to get there this summer! I had been working on some spring and summer trips, but those are currently on hold.

What’s Next

What’s next for us? Well, like everyone else, it’s a game a of wait and see. Currently, we go to work during the day and are home each night. Other than the grocery store, we don’t really travel anywhere else. And, that’s our life for the foreseeable future.

In the meantime, I’m having so much fun featuring the destinations we’ve visited over on my Instagram & Facebook page. If you haven’t seen them, feel free to check them out!

Where am I hoping to travel to once we are free to leave the house again?! Estherville, Iowa is on my list; Madison County, Iowa is also on my list. I also need to find a good place in South Eastern Iowa to explore for my “Iowa Staycation” series this summer! So, if you have a suggestion, I’d love to hear it!

Focusing on the Good

Right now I’m focusing on the good of the situation we’re currently in.

  • A job and a paycheck for me and my family.
  • More time with my three favorite guys
  • Living in a state who is being led by a Governor that is doing a fantastic job.
  • The knowledge that this too shall pass
  • The faith in a God who is bigger than me and will bring us all through this.
  • Extra time at home with this lovey! She definitely brightens our days!
Ms. Nike is the bright spot of our day!

How is your Trip to Nowhere treating you?! How are you and your family handling the quarantine? Stay safe and health folks! Talk later!

6 Replies to “A Trip to Nowhere: A COVID-19 Update”

  1. I am reliving a lot of our favorite trips by featuring Travel From Your Couch on the blog. We are taking walks around our neighborhood which is 4000 acres of loveliness where we can safely find trails and roads to walk that are safe. I am writing a lot of letters and reading a lot. I am cooking and eating. Maybe too much. 🙂 So glad you are all together and still have employment. Stay safe, my friend. Those desitnations will be waiting for you when this is all over!

    1. Sounds like you have a great handle on the situation, even if it’s not what we consider ideal! Hugs my friend!

  2. It’s great that you are focusing on what is positive. I’m doing the same. Instead of focusing on the confinement and the virus, I’m.focusing on having a great time with my family, especially my children. Thanks for sharing 💕

    1. We have to find the positive in all situations, dont we?! I’m happy to hear you’re focusing on your kiddos! That’s what they will remember the most!

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