Of course, this is also coming from the woman who loves Valentines Day and yet doesn’t think that we should have only one day dedicated to showing our loved ones what they mean to us. I don’t think we should have only one day to show our Veteran’s how much we appreciated the freedom they have fought for. But, how can one not think about goals and a fresh start with a new year looming?
I’ve decided that instead of settting resolutions or goals as I feel those are just setting myself up for failure, I’ve made some affirmations for me, my family, & my life. Something that I’ve struggled with for several years now is my self-confidence in my work, my relationships, & my body. Having been around some new influences this year, I’ve slowly gained some confidence and have decided to focus on what I’m doing right right now instead of all the negative and the things I need to change. I hope that by doing this I can continue to grow my world, family, and life.
Here are my affirmations for 2015
- Body – I workout and run to release endorphins and be my stress relief, not to lose weight. I am happy with my body and love it for what it is and not hate it for what it isn’t.
- Family – I am a great step-mom. I provide a safe loving family for my two step-sons and do not feel inadequate. I am happy with the role that I have in their lives. I love my husband for who he is. I am a wife who loves her husband and will shout it from the roof tops!
- Home – I provide a warm, safe home for all three of my boys. I do things like meal planning and recycling to make my home a financially stable place and leave the world a better place for my two young boys.
- Side Businesses – I run my side businesses in a manner in which holds integrity and focuses on my goal of financial freedom. I do not let my side businesses dictate my life and they do not come in between me and time with my guys.
- Professional – I continue to learn, ask questions, and grow in my position in city government. I work to further myself in the position as well as improve the city as well as provide for my family.
- Blog – I step out-side my comfort zone to fulfill my passion of writing and blogging. I stretch my writing yet still stay true to who I am and what I want to convey.
As I reflect on 2014, it can’t be put anyway better than the title of my blog…I am Learning As I Go!
What are some affirmations for you as you look forward into 2015?
These are great ideas! I decided instead of picking a bunch of resolutions I would never follow through on, I decided to choose one word to focus on for 2015. I’ve chosen “Stronger” and its going to be my priority this year. 🙂
Love that!