Garden Update, 6/12/17

Garden Update, 6/12/17

Two weeks has passed since the last garden update! We’ve had lots of sun, a little rain, and are now in what seems like a drought!  Even with the lack of rain (thanks to my watering) the flowers are growing like crazy!  I love taking a “tour” of my gardens almost every day to see what is blooming as it changes almost daily!  Come along with me on a tour!

flower boxes

My flower boxes beneath my windows are filling in slowly, but surely!  I love the coral color of these Fuschias and how they pop against the boxes and the siding!

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What I’m Loving Right Now, June 2017

What I’m Loving Right Now, June 2017

June is here, school is done (or almost) and that mean summer is official upon us!  It’s a new month, which also means it’s time for a new round of “What I’m Loving Right Now!”  It’s interesting what I love each month (even for myself to discover).  Some of it is material things and some of it is the intangible, but I think that is what gives our life balance!

Bed Sheets

Yup, you know you’re getting old when one of the things you’re loving right now is bed sheets, but I’m ok with it!  T and I have a love/hate relationship with bed sheets!  He’s pickier than I am, but I digress.  Back at Christmas, we asked for gift cards to Kohls to purchase new sheets (how grown-up of us, right?!)  and we finally used the card when we discovered that our favorite sheets had a hole in them!  What sheets did I pick up and am now loving?!  It’s these, the SONOMA Goods for Life, Everyday Sheet Set from Kohls!

I hate spending a lot of money on sheets and when you have a king size bed, they are spendy enough as it is.  I find these to be a perfect combination of quality and comfort!  They are great for heading into the warmer months as they keep that “cool” feeling, but also aren’t cold to the touch like the rest of our sheets!  I also like them because they aren’t too slinky feeling like some of the super soft sets.  These have some substance to their fabric and I like that!  Plus, the fitted sheet has elastic around the entire thing!  Bonus to keeping the sheets on the mattress!  If you’re shopping for new sheets, I highly recommend them!

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Blender Cottage Cheese Pancakes

Blender Cottage Cheese Pancakes

I’ll be the first to admit it, there are lots of cottage cheese pancake recipes out there, but I’ll also admit, that this one is my favorite!  It’s my favorite for a couple different reasons!  The first is that it is all made in a blender!  One “bowl” makes for easy clean-up!  The other thing that makes it my favorite is flavor!  The ease of mix-up and flavor make it simply the best!

cottage cheese pancakes
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Instant Pot Chicken Tacos with Fresh Pico de Gallo

Instant Pot Chicken Tacos with Fresh Pico de Gallo

I’ve been in serious meal planning mode recently and these Instant Pot Chicken Tacos with Fresh Pico de Gallo have been at the top of my list!  Thank goodness for the Instant Pot which makes meal planning and prep so easy!  During the few weeks of track season, I seemed to have really got off the path of clean or whole eating and have been working to get back on track!

I also noticed that when I don’t meal plan, there is a lot more waste of food and even money!  Meal planning helps me save a $!  For some reason, when I don’t have meals easy to grab and portioned off sitting in the fridge, I have a greater tendency to run to a convenience store or restaurant for lunch and we even do it for supper! So, now that track is over I am making the dedication to meal plan and meal prep to save our family money!

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Celebrating Memorial Day Family Style: A Round-Up

This is the first year since T and I have been married that we aren’t camping over Memorial Day weekend! Can you believe it?!  This also means that I’m on the hunt for something for us all to do!  The boys will be spending the weekend with us, but R will be working, so it’ll be T, M, & I!  I decided since I was on the hunt, I’d put together a round-up of family friendly things to do in Iowa over the weekend!

So, let’s get started!

Iowa Veterans Cemetery – The Iowa Veterans Cemetery in Van Meter, Iowa is breathtaking.  Pack up the family and take a visit to talk about Memorial Day and it’s original purpose!  What better place to do this than in the Iowa Veterans Cemetery?!  Check out what Jeni of Sincerely Iowa thought when she visited.

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