I’m Not A Farmer, I’m An #agwife & I Have An Opinion (Just like you!)

I don’t live on a farm. I live in town. I don’t farm. I am a City Clerk. My husband doesn’t farm. He is a Field Sale Agronomist. But, I am an #agwife!  There are days during the year that I am a “farm widow” (meaning T works late and I’m home alone or attending events alone).  There are times during the year that I’m a “single step-mom” because T is working.  His phone can ring at any time of the day, week day or weekend, with a farmer needing something and he delivers!  There are sacrifices that our family makes for the sake of farming.  We don’t plan trips on the weekends during planting and harvest season.  T misses some of the boys’ activities to be assisting his farmers.  Some days, T doesn’t get a lunch unless I pack one for him.  But, we wouldn’t have it any other way because we firmly believe in what the farmers are doing for our country and world.
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We Need In-Home Pet Sitters & a PETCO Giveaway!

In case you didn’t know, Nike is our beloved Shiba Inu.  She is the queen of our family and the only other female in my boy-dominated house! She is also very much a momma’s girl and a diva! I wrote a whole post dedicated to her awhile back that you can find HERE!

Spring is here and summertime is fast approaching.  Nike LOVES this time of year for several reasons.  She loves just laying outside and watch the world go by. She also loves this time of year because the whole family spends lot’s of extra time outside and much more of it together!

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Beer Soaked Pork Chops

Beer Soaked Pork Chops

Beer, pork…hello? How can that not equal good? The other morning I set out with a package of frozen boneless pork rib eyes and knew that I didn’t want to do our normal grilling (grill with Cavender’s seasoning) and wondered what I could come up with fast (I needed to leave for work in a matter of 5 minutes).  These Beer Soaked Pork Chops seemed to come together on their own!  I looked in my fridge and cupboards and decided what the heck, let’s give this a try!

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Beer Soaked Pork Chops

A delicious and easy marinade for a pork chop!
Course: Main Course
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Marinade, Pork


  • 2 Boneless Pork Chops
  • 8 oz lime flavored beer
  • garlic powder
  • onion powder
  • salt
  • pepper


  • Pour the beer into a shallow dish and season with garlic and onion powder, salt, & pepper. Place pork chops in the mixture and allow to marinate for at least 5 hours.
  • Grill to an internal temperature of 165 degrees.
  • Let rest for 5 minutes before serving
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Spring Cleaning: Camper Style

Oh! It’s finally April!  That means spring cleaning.   That also means the camper comes out of winter storage (a machine shed we rent at a farm) and comes home!! WAAAA! (Did you hear the heavens open up?) I’m actually more excited to start camping this year more than any year in the past? Why, I’m not sure, but I’m positive it has something to do with being at a job in which I don’t have to work nights and weekends and have a fraction of the stress! Anywho…after talking camping a few days ago with Jenni of Sincerely Jenni on Twitter, my mind has just been spinning thinking about getting it home, opened up (and aired out), cleaned, and stocked…ready to go for the first time of the season!

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#TastyTuesday – A #BeesMeetup with the #NorthIowaBloggers!

I LOVE when I get together with the #NorthIowaBloggers! Everytime we get together, attend a function, or plan something it’s always a different conglomeration of people and it’s always a good time!  This past Monday was no different.  Thanks to Val of Corn, Beans, Pigs, & Kids (even though she ended up not being able to make it) a group of us gathered at the Mason City, Iowa Applebee’s location for a #BeesMeetup.  We warned Applebees via social media that we were coming for them and boy were they ready for us.  They were ready not only on their social media platforms, but also the staff at the restaurant was ready for us!  Thankfully (not sure if it was for us or them) we had an inside hook-up with Loni of Lifestyles of the Pantsless.  Loni is a part-time waitress at Applebees and warned prepped the staff for our arrival.  The manager of the Mason City location was also kind enough to treat us to 9

The bloggers doing what they do best...being on our phones!  Photo Credit to the Applbees hostess!
The bloggers doing what they do best…being on our phones! Photo Credit to the Applbees hostess!

different types of appetizers from their menu!  (Yes, there is only a few more and by ordering we ended up tasting every single one of them!)  The staff was attentive, efficient, courteous, and very tolerable of our group with our chit chat, Tweeting, Facebooking, Instagramming, and requests for pictures!

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Sword Hydration: A Hydrating Review

 I received a SWORD Specialized bottle and samples of Sword Hydration drink mix  for the purposes of reviewing.  All thoughts & opinions are my own and 100% honest.

Back in November I completed my first review of StrideBox.  In that first months delivery I received a sample of SWORD Hydration drink mix.  Fast forward to a couple weeks ago and I received an email from Shawn Stasko, the Co-Founder and CEO of SWORD.  He had read my review of his product and wanted to send me some more to try and review!  After how pleased I had been with my first experience, how could I say “no”?  When my package arrived, I was

The package of goodies sent to me by the people at SWORD!
The package of goodies sent to me by the people at SWORD!

very pleased!  Not only did he send me samples of the Berry & Ginger Citrus flavors that they already produce, he sent me a SWORD bottle that is designed by the people at Specialized (you know…the bike people?)! I received 2 samples each of their Berry & Ginger Citrus drink mix (already produced) and he sent me 2 samples of the Orange & Green Apple flavors that they are working on developing at this time!  He was great about providing me instructions on how to mix the product as well!

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Shredded Beef Tostadas

Shredded Beef Tostadas

I’m obsessed with these Shredded Beef Tostadas.

A couple of weeks ago I asked some of my blogging friends for recipes using roasts. You see, we get beef a half a cow at a time from farmers that we know well. We have it taken directly from their farm to our favorite locker (Lewright Meats in Eagle Grove, Iowa) and then it all comes home and fits (almost perfectly) in our upright freezer!  For some reason we seem to have a lot of “extra” roasts, so I’ve been trying different things from Pepsi Roast (it was pretty tasty) to other recipes that were not so much! (That one with the red wine, gak!)

Anyway, Jenny from In the Kitchen With Jenny was kind enough to share her Tostada recipe with me!  (You can find her recipe HERE!)  Now, mine is not hers!  Hers inspired mine, but I will admit that I don’t keep a lot of spices in the house and didn’t have the majority of what she used to make hers, so I just went with the general idea and came up with my version of Shredded Beef Tostadas.


Shredded Beef Tostada
Shredded Beef Tostada

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