The Mommy Wand!
It’s Christmas Day night as I write this blog and M is downstairs in bed, sick. Over several hours this afternoon, he developed a fever, sore throat, and became very pale & tired. This is only the second time that
Finding the Best in Midwest Weekend Getaways
It’s Christmas Day night as I write this blog and M is downstairs in bed, sick. Over several hours this afternoon, he developed a fever, sore throat, and became very pale & tired. This is only the second time that
This past couple of weeks has been a rough one for T & I. Not for us as a couple in marriage, but for eating! Between many activities and events for the boys as well as our own meetings and indecisions, we’ve not been successful planning meals and executing them. I’m embarrassed to admit that our meals have ranged from Subway to Hamburger Helper to steak & potatoes. We’ve been bad about getting meat out of the freezer ahead of time and planning our meal! So, I was dedicated to making a change this weekend.
When you’re husband sends you a picture in the middle of the day and it’s a stack of boxes waiting for you at your house, you can’t help but get excited! Last week I was thrilled to come home to my December StrideBox. For $16 a month, I get a box of goodies related to running to try out. The absolutely most fun thing about StrideBox is the label on the outside of the box that has a phrase that you get to complete! This month it said, “Eat, Sleep, Run, & _______”. It was easy for me to complete this phrase…I added ” REPEAT”! This month I received the following items in my Box.
One of the things that I love most about working out and hate all at the same time is working on my abs! I hate it when I don’t see results and love it when it works and I do see or feel results. I’ve recently found this ab workout and I have to say, I’m seeing and feeling results. Try it out and let me know what you think!
Ah yes, another week of great questions from Cee at Cee’s Photography! I love that she does this every week and can’t wait to see what she does in 2015!
What is your preferred hot drink: coffee, tea, water, hot chocolate, or other? Honestly, it depends upon the time of day and my mood. I love coffee (with flavored creamer) in the morning. I like tea when I need something “lighter” in the morning! I attempt to drink around 64oz of water throughout the day! (You can find that post here!) I love hot chocolate on a cold Saturday or Sunday afternoon (preferably with something “adult” in it!) and I have to have a glass of milk before bed each night! Yeah, I “drink” a lot!!
Nothing is more classic Iowa than a grilled ribeye. Nothing pairs with that ribeye better than a twice baked potato. When it is nice we love to pair grilled meat and a classic recipe like Twice Baked Potatoes together.
When I married T, I learned his love for twice baked potatoes. His love ran so deep that for several years after we got married, his grandma made him a pan of twice baked potatoes for his birthday! That had been the tradition for many years! As she aged, I took over the responsibility of making the potatoes.
The first time I had ever made them they turned out great, so that’s the recipe that I’ve always stuck with. Here’s what I came up with!
In a house full of boys, we’re always looking how to have some Christmas fun each season. It’s easy to do so with chocolate in our house!
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