The Love of a Pet!
The other day I was prepping for my Wordless Wednesday post and I couldn’t help but think that I needed to post a picture of the one aspect of my life that has been left out thus far, my fur
Finding the Best in Midwest Weekend Getaways
The other day I was prepping for my Wordless Wednesday post and I couldn’t help but think that I needed to post a picture of the one aspect of my life that has been left out thus far, my fur
And God said, Let the Earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and the beast of the Earth after his kind; and it was so. -Genisis 1:30
This past Saturday, the boys (all three of them) and I spent the afternoon (5.5 hours to be exact) on my dad’s acreage doing a variety of activities, which will all be featured in a post later, but…for today’s Tasty Tuesday, I’m going to explain the process of making homemade apple cider! Oh, it’s soooo good! Continue “Tasty Tuesday: Homemade Apple Cider”
I don’t want to think about how many times in the last 4 years that my heart has hurt for the boys, or that I’ve been mad at them, or that I’ve been frustrated with their actions/choices, or so proud that I thought my chest would burst (Ok, so maybe those are more fun and easy to think about). Continue “Parenting…Not for Those with a Weak Heart!”
I’m so excited to welcome Amy Hild of Modern Rural Living as a guest to my blog for Tasty Tuesday! While she’s sharing this as her favorite recipe, it also happens to be one of T’s favorite!! I hope you
The last time we got together for a dinner was to try the new test flavors of Lay’s Potato chips! This time it was to celebrate all the fall birthdays in our group as well as to taste test a variety of Oreo flavors! Now, I used to be a BIG fan of Oreos. There wasn’t a night that I didn’t
have 3-4 Double Stuff Oreos with a glass of milk, but lately I’d shied away from them due to to what is (in my opinion) a change of consistency and make up! But, how could I say no to a get together with these ladies and trying different flavors? There were six of us total (physically) and 2 flat versions of 2 missing bloggers! We must represent them when they are gone!
A week or so ago on a Friday, T & I had gotten steaks out of the freezer to thaw. (We buy a half beef at a time and feel guilty if we don’t use it multiple times a week)! After getting home from work we sat around for a little bit and talked about our days. I have to admit that this is something that we haven’t done in awhile because I’d been so stressed at my past job that all I did was complain and it obviously wasn’t fun to talk to me. So, to just sit and share stories of our day and talk about things was refreshing.
Last Saturday night at 10PM (don’t ask, that’s a whole other topic) I was scrubbing my glass top stove and could smell the aging bananas sitting next to it. So, first thing on my agenda on Sunday (after coffee and chocolate chip pancakes, of course) was to “do something” with said bananas. I love banana bread, I love banana bars, but wanted something different. So, I took to my trusted Pinterest account and found a recipe for Cinnamon Swirl Banana Bread from “Lovin From The Oven“. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Continue “Tasty Tuesday: Cinnamon Swirl Banana Bread”