Comments For a Cause: Remembering Baby D!

It’s the beginning of a new month, March is over! Where did that time go? I remember when I was younger hearing the
Amy Elizabeth Hild, 1987-2015
Amy Elizabeth Hild, 1987-2015

“older” generation around me lament that “time just flies by and speeds up every year”! I couldn’t imagine what that felt like, but I do now! I swear (not literally) that every month is going faster and faster! But, I digress. During the month of March, I had declared that my Comments For A Cause was going to the Amy Hild Memorial Fund to remember my dear friend Amy of Modern Rural Living that was taken from us way too soon! I’m excited and sad all at the same time to say that because of your commenting efforts, I will be mailing her parents a check for $50.00.  It is so bittersweet!  I’m happy to continue to honor Amy’s memory this way and yet sad that I’m even having to do it in the first place!  God continues to teach me patience in understanding.


This month, I’m remembering someone else who is being honored and remembered.  Another dear friend of mine suffered an extreme loss in March.  I’ve never given birth, never carried a baby in my body, but I know what it means to love a child!  I can’t imagine giving birth to a baby that you will never get to see smile, grow, and develop!  My dear friend and her husband would have been AMAZING parents to Baby D and I have full faith in God that they will get the opportunity to be the mom and dad that they want to be!  In the meantime, they are working on healing.  Healing from the loss of the physical baby, but also the idea that they aren’t still planning their babies arrival and their new future.  They are not the only people who suffer from this kind of loss each year!  So many do!


We are blessed to have a fantastic hospital with a support system for these situations.  The Mercy Foundation Birth Center provides support to their patients and families in several ways.  One of them is by helping the families celebrate and remember the lives of their babies that were born before viability on National Remembrance Day on October 15th each year.  The foundation also helps provide training for the caretakers that help to care for these babies and families.

So, this month (along with Beth Ann of It’s Just Life) I will be donating 50 cents to the Mercy Foundation Birth Center in memory of Baby D and his wonderful parents. Please comment and help support those who hurt!

25 Replies to “Comments For a Cause: Remembering Baby D!”

  1. My heart breaks for them and all others who have lost children…no greater pain. Know that you are kept in thoughts and prayers. You are not forgotten.

  2. Thank you so much. Again, you guys have made me speechless, and moved me to tears. I cannot believe how fortunate I am to have found this group. This is so special and kind. I love you!

  3. You are wonderful Beth Ann! I always take time to remember my nephew Drake who was taken too soon as well. (4-30-13) Preserving the memories and short lives of these children is important, this will help people do so, bless you!

  4. Your kind words and generous support are much appreciated. Thank you from Baby D’s grandma!

  5. Thank you (and your group) for your generosity and kindness to Dave and Mary. What a great way to support the cause and their family.

  6. Mary and Dave are a couple of the most selfless, caring people that I have had the pleasure to get to know. what they went through is Heartbreaking and unimaginable. what a great resource that the mercy birth center provides during the most difficult of times…would love to support that cause. Thanks the opportunity to do so 💙

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