T’s fine and back to normal after a good nights sleep! The truck, well…it will either be fine after a trip to the local body shop (not our expense thankfully), and we’re all back to regular schedules and lives, but ever since it took place I haven’t been able to stop thinking about how much worse it could have been and to be honest, I can’t think too much about it or I work myself up and end up in tears! Then, I think about how blessed I am to have him in my life and how grateful I am to God for watching over him! It also makes me think about everything that I’m grateful in my life and ironically my friend Beth Ann over at It’s Just Life recently wrote a post about gratitude! (Check hers out HERE!) So, I’m going to spin off her idea and list 10 things that I’m grateful for!
- T – I’ve said it before and I’ll preach it till the day I die. This man is truly my best friend, partner, and soul mate! I’m so grateful that he was brought into my life.
- R&M – The opportunity to be these boys’ step-mom is humbling. I’m so grateful to have gotten to know them and be included in their lives.
- My 4 Parents – Yup, all 4 of my parents! I’m grateful that God has taken what could be a “bad” situation (divorce) and blessed me with 2 additional amazing parents. Each one of them brings something to the table, but I cherish each of them and have learned from them all.
- Our Home – Yup, it’s materialistic, but it’s true! I’m grateful that we have a home where there is room for all 4 of us (5 if you include Ms. Nike), we have shelter, comforts of the “extras”, and some place to gather and be a family.
- My Job – I’ve had lots of jobs in my 34 years, but for right now at this time in my life, this one is perfect for me. I’m given the freedom to grow and learn, but also don’t have the responsibilities of being “the boss”! I get time and flexibility to be with my family, but others depend on me! I’m grateful to have been given the skills to do a job I love so much!
- The Ability to Run – Sounds crazy, right? I’m one of those run-aholics! I love running, I love the way I feel when I run, I love the sense of accomplishment when I’m done, and I am grateful for being given the physical capability to do something that makes me so happy!
- Friends – I have some awesome friends. I don’t see the majority of them often. We go several days, weeks, and even months without talking, but I know who is there for me. I’m grateful that so many different people have been brought into my life!
- Iowa – I’m grateful to have been born and raised in Iowa and that this is where we live now. I can’t imagine living anywhere else! Iowa has so much to offer and I’m grateful to know this and take advantage of it!
- Freedom – I’m grateful to live in a county in which I have choices and the freedom to choose. I’m grateful that I have the freedom to believe what religion I want and I’m grateful for those who fight so we can retain our freedom.
- Faith – I’m grateful for the faith that I have. The faith that God is in control and that better things are yet to come and that there is a better place than this Earth!
What are you grateful for? I’d love to hear!
Fabulous list, my friend, and I am so grateful that you are in my life. I have many of the same types of blessings that you have—family and friends but at the top of the list my faith. Thankful that T is okay and that a bad situation reminded you of how good life can be. Love you!
Thanks! So glad you are in my life as well! Love you too!
So thankful that T is ok! Scary! Love your list!
Thank you!
Also thankful that your husband is ok. Good reminder to count my blessings more often.
Thank you! Sadly, I think we all need a reminder every once in awhile, but I’d like God to know that I’m good for quite awhile now! 😉