When I first started, I had a strong emphasis on learning to be a step-mom, wife, and adult! Now, while I’m always learning, my passions are food (like seriously, it’s a passion of mine), our family (gardens, taste tests, etc), and fun (our travel adventures)! So, I thought it was time to officially make a change that makes sense to me and encompasses all of these items! So, I introduce to you, Flint & Co – Family, Food, & Fun! I think it’s pretty catchy and I love my new logo that Laura Meyer Design created for me!
Again, you’ll find the same content just with a different name and look! I hope you like it!
I do! I like it all- name, focus and logo! Glad you’ll still have foodie and travel!
Thank you so much for your kind words and support!!
Love the new name! I think it is a perfect fit for what you share on your blog.
Thank you so much!!
I love it, Katy!!!!
Thank you!!
Love the new look!
Thank you!!
Your new slogan is perfect. I like your logo too:)
Aw, thanks Jeni!!!