Two weeks has passed already and we’re back for another garden update! I swear the weeks are going faster each year! The past two weeks here have been surprisingly busy! School is wrapping up, T is busy in the field, and we just keep moving along! But, let’s get to what we’re all really here for, the garden update!
The Flower Gardens
Thanks to incredibly sunny and hot weather the past two weeks, my flowers have really taken off, no thanks to all the watering we’re having to do due to lack of rain! Isn’t that how it is?! We went from an incredibly wet spring to a very dry summer thus far! *sigh* But, anyway…here you go!
The North bed isn’t blooming yet, although you can see a few Irsis’ budding and will be soon! However, the plants are filling in nicely and will be blooming soon!
I can’t believe how the Dragon Winged Begonia’s and fillers have taken off in my window boxes! They are really loving this sun and heat!
The cement planter by the front door is slowly filling in too! (Don’t mind the photo bomber in the background! 😉 )
And my Begonia in the boot is finally blooming and I love the bright, lemony, yellow!
The Lantanas and Dusty Whites around the flag pole are growing and filling in nicely and I can’t help but love the bright colors of the Lantana’s!
My miniature Iris’ are in in their glory right now!
And the wild bed is starting to show it’s colors as well!
Finally, in the flower garden, my Clematis is blooming like crazy and the vibrant purple blooms are favorites of mine!
The Vegetable Garden
Our veggie garden is FINALLY looking decent! Things are growing like crazy! So far, we have green beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, and lots of onions! Well, actually that’s almost the extent of the veggie garden because it’s what we eat! T has also successfully gotten an asparagus patch going! YAY for asparagus in the next couple years! Our blueberry bushes are looking good and the strawberry plants are LOADED with blooms and even berries, which means SOON I will be bragging about my delicious strawberries!
We spent this past Friday night weeding the vegetable garden and clearly didn’t get it all! It’s a lot of work, but something we enjoy doing together! One plant I forgot to take a picture of is my grape tomato plant that is potted on our deck! It’s grown great guns and has blooms and even tiny little green tomatoes on it! I can’t wait to just step out on to my deck and snag some red tomatoes!
Well, that’s it! That’s the update! Stay tuned and make sure to come back in two weeks because things change so fast and are constantly growing that there will be all new things to see! Have a great week!