My flower boxes beneath my windows are filling in slowly, but surely! I love the coral color of these Fuschias and how they pop against the boxes and the siding!
The new lily bulbs that I planted this spring have finally started growing and taking off! I can’t wait to see how they fill in over the next several years!
These are lilies planted last fall from my moms garden and as you can tell, they are ready to pop! I’m so excted about this as the lily garden is my favorite!
The daisies (and whatever the little yellow ones are) are blooming in full force in the wild bed! It’s so pretty to see the blanket of color!
And behind the daisies is wide variety of garden phlox and whatever the top right picture is! I have this in a periwinkle and purple color! I love the wild bed because the flowers constantly grow and change throughout the summer!
My Hollyhocks, that live along the side of the house, have started to bloom as well! I love the size of the blooms as well as their bright, vibrant colors alongside the tan siding!
I haven’t forgotten about our vegetable garden! The green beans look the best by far, but the tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelon, cantaloupe, onions, and carrots are slowly coming along as well!
Finally, but certainly not last is our strawberry bed! We finally have tiny strawberries on! I can’t wait to be able to pick strawberries from my backyard and don’t worry…you’ll be the first to know when I do!
So, that’s it for this garden update! What’s growing in your garden?!