While my perennial flowers are dwindling, my annuals are as gorgeous as ever! The Dragon Wing Leafed Begonia’s are blooming as wonderful as ever and have pretty much completely filled in!
The Coleus in my raised beds are thriving and I know that I will be planting them again next year! In fact, they’ve taken over and aren’t even letting my Dusties grow like they normally do! Lesson learned…
The vegetable garden on the other hand is thriving like crazy and we’ve been busy freezing corn, canning tomatoes and dill pickles, plus making creamy cucumbers, and sharing the abundance of grape tomatoes!
Several new rows of green beans have been planted and are growing nicely! Our watermelon plants are growing, but so far…no blooms or fruits. However, the cantaloupe are putting on little melons like crazy and hopefully the majority of them will reach full maturity! Another well-producing plant is our “Fooled You” pepper plants! There are four of them and we’ve been handing out peppers left and right!
We’ve dug a couple hills of potatoes to use and they are looking good! There is a second batch of radishes that is almost ready to be harvested, and then there is the brocolli! We harvested some and had another head was coming in nicely, but then I ate lunch the other day. I steamed my broccoli at work like normal and put it on my plate and that’s when I noticed…the worm! GROSS! When I got home, I pulled out the container of the rest of the broccoli and there was another worm. Then, I went out to the garden and the head growing also had a worm on it, so…I pulled all the plants and decided I could purchase my broccoli! I’m ok with that if it means no worms! YUCKY!
So…there you go, the bi-weekly garden update! I hope you’ve enjoyed it and there will probably be one more yet this summer! Can you believe that summer is almost over?! What’s growing in your garden??
The hibiscus I’m saving for you will bloom this time of year.
Woohoo! Thanks!! I’m excited!