Hiring Social Media Help..What Does It Look Like?

You’ve opened your business like you always dreamed! You have your employees hired and you have regular business hours, but you are so busy that you don’t know which way is up!  You’ve heard from the experts that you need to have a social media presence, but how do you add one more thing to you never-ending list?  You have a Facebook page, but only have time about once a week to post to it.  You have a special event coming up and feel like you need one more way of boosting your marketing (to add to the newspaper and radio ads).  You feel that you and your business have a special story to share and you want to tell it, but have no idea how to go about doing it.  Do any of these questions or statements describe you?  If so, it’s time to hire someone to help with social media!

Help, just like in all aspects of life, comes in different forms and on different levels within social media.  So, what can hiring someone to help with social media look like for you?  Well, that’s the great thing about social media…it’s completely customizable for each person and each business, but here are a few ideas!

  • Manage Social Media – Hiring someone to help you start, establish, or even maintain your social media sites can take a great deal of pressure off you.  A lot of social media marketers are available to either teach you how to be successful with social media and your business or they can even take over the reigns for you to take something off your plate!  Reach out and visit with someone who does this.  You might be surprised how easy it is and they are often willing to work with what you need/want.
  • Promote Events/Sales/Specials – that person that you talk to can be hired to just help you promote a specific event, special, or sale coming up.  Maybe you don’t need them full-time, all year, but having them ramp things up prior to an event would be helpful and be the boost to your marketing plan that you need.

    The North Iowa Bloggers at Carlson Tree Farm. Photo Courtesy of donnahup.com
    The North Iowa Bloggers at Carlson Tree Farm.
    Photo Courtesy of donnahup.com

  • Blog For You – blogs can be so incredibly helpful for small businesses.  You, most likely, are a wealth of knowledge in your area of expertise.  You started your business for a reason and by sharing those reasons, your story, and sharing your knowledge on a blog you can gain the trust of consumers.  Hire someone to help you start a blog or even blog for you if you don’t have the time.
  • Work with Bloggers – People who blog already love to try new things, visit new places, review products, and help small businesses out.  Working with a group of bloggers like the North Iowa Bloggers is a great way to help promote what you are doing and have going on.  They love to help promote events or specials as well.  Here are a few ways they have worked with other businesses and organizations, maybe something like this would work for you!

Hiring someone to manage your social media can be daunting, but by checking out how successful others are at it and how it works for them can help ease the stress, so don’t hesitate to ask someone for references.  And remember, social media is completely customizable to you and your business, so work with someone who will work to find exactly what that is!


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