What I’m Loving Right Now, May 2017

It’s May already?! How did that happen?? We are on the downhill slide of track season (unless R makes it to the state track meet)! We actually only have 4 meets left between the two boys!  But, since it’s a new month, that means a new round of What I’m Loving Right Now and a giveaway (that I’m super excited about) at the end!

It’s All About the Tunic

Can I be perfectly honest with you?  I could live in nothing but leggings and tunics!  It’s true and I’m not ashamed to admit it!  If you find the right combo, it can be like wearing pajamas to work, so really…what’s not to love?!  Right now I’m loving this Apt. 9 Tunic Tee from Kohls!  While they call is a tee, the texture is similar to a microsuede so it makes it dressy enough to wear to work!  Seriously comfy and stylish at the same time!  It comes in a variety of colors and prints, but of course, I snagged it in gray!  That is one of my two color groups that I wear!  (If you don’t believe me, check out last month’s edition!) Ha!

Jewelry With A Cause

I’ve not always been a jewelry fan or wearer, but when I saw this necklace from Trades of Hope when I was attending  a friends party, I knew I needed to snag it!  Not only does Trades of Hope do wonderful things for the creators, this necklace is adorable!  It’s very versatile and super light, which is huge in my book!  Heavy necklaces tend to give me headaches, so this one is right up my ally!  The other great thing I love about Trades of Hope is that no two pieces are exactly alike…especially when it comes to this necklace!  Renee, my Trades of Hope Consultant told me that,

Trades of Hope empowers women around the world to create sustainable business through the sale of ethically crafted accessories, bags, and home decor. Because of the partnership between the women who create these products and the Compassionate Entrepreneurs in the US who market them, families are being restored, children are being educated, and the cycle of poverty is being broken!

Trades of Hope Sea Glass Necklace
Trades of Hope Sea Glass Necklace

This necklace is called Sea Glass and it is made by women in Jordan with sea glass from the Red Sea!  Renee has also so generously offered a $25 gift certificate to one of my lucky readers!  Check out how to enter at the end of this post!

Bloom Where You Are Planted

I am beyond obsessed with all of my blooms in the garden!  Thankfully T has been obsessed with tulips, so we now have lots of them!  I love the early color that they bring to the developing green!

Let Your Light Shine

Many years ago T outlawed me from having candles in our home…but, that could be because I left them burning overnight or when I was gone a couple times!  Oops!  That’s when I found melting waxes to use for scents instead!  Currently my favorite melter (or Simmering Pot) as they call it and scents are coming from Pink Zebra!  This is the Blooming Vine Metal Cutout Shade with Flower Medallions and I love the look it gives my office.  My favorite scents are currently Lime Slushie and Sweet Kiwifuit!  They are perfect for spring and summer and give my office a fresh smell! Need a Pink Zebra consultant?!  Check out the fab lady I use here!

Pink Zebra Simmering Pot

Well, that’s it for this month!  I hope you found something on this list that maybe appealed to you!  Now, for the fun part!  Get entered into the drawing for the $25 Trades of Hope gift card from Renee Sankey!  It’s pretty simple!

14 Replies to “What I’m Loving Right Now, May 2017”

  1. I love that tunic and also could live in leggings! I have never tried Pink Zebra but need to check them out. The Trades of Hope jewelry is beautiful and such a great cause.

    1. Thanks! Trades of Hope is pretty dang cool! Fun jewelry is great, but Jewelry with a cause is even better! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I’m a huge TOH fan. The Threads of Love necklace was my dream piece, and I finally bought it at the last party I attended. It is the perfect pop of color without being ‘too much’, and it’s comfortable enough to wear all day.

  3. I just purchased a few TOH pieve’s from Renee and I love them! My favorite is the Royalty wrap bracelet – it can also be won as a necklace – bonus! And really, you can’t beat buying stylish things while also helping women across the world!

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