It’s the Little Things…

A week or so ago on a Friday, T & I had gotten steaks out of the freezer to thaw.  (We buy a half beef at a time and feel guilty if we don’t use it multiple times a week)!  After getting home from work we sat around for a little bit and talked about our days.  I have to admit that this is something that we haven’t done in awhile because I’d been so stressed at my past job that all I did was complain and it obviously wasn’t fun to talk to me.  So, to just sit and share stories of our day and talk about things was refreshing.

As I started thinking about supper, steaks just didn’t sound good (I know, right…who says that?  In my defense we eat them on a regular basis…like at least once a week, so sometimes it’s overload).  So, I casually mentioned to T (who is usually rather tight with money) that we should have gone out for Mexican food or something like that.  To my suprise, he was all for it and quickly showered and we both changed clothes.  We also decided to go get groceries after supper, which is rare for us to do it, just the two of us.  (As I’m sure in most families, it’s either me alone on a Saturday morning while he holds the fort down with the boys, or it’s me and multiple boys which usually makes for an interesting shopping trip)

Evidence of how much T hates "selfies" and "usies"
Evidence of how much T hates “selfies” and “usies”

While going out for supper and getting groceries may seem like everyday life or not that big of an event for some, for me, that impromptu date night was perfect.  We had a great conversation and just enjoyed being with each other.  I don’t ever forget how much I love my husband and how blessed I am to have him in my life, but sometimes its great to feel that connection and share that giddy excitement on a “date night” that we had when we were first dating.  For me, I felt that Friday night and realized that it’s the little things in life that make me truly happy!

Whether it’s goofing around with T at home, going out for supper at our favorite local restaurant, getting groceries, or goofing around with R (the 14yo) at Mills Fleet Farm, I’m happy.  I don’t need big fancy vacations, I don’t need wine and roses, etc. I just need my three boys!  They are truly what life is all about!

Read about our dinner at El Paisita in Hampton here!

Being goofy at Mills with R!
Being goofy at Mills with R!

T does random things to make me laugh!  This was a recent one.  I glanced over from my home office to see this...he's so far from "gangsta" it isn't even funny!
T does random things to make me laugh! This was a recent one. I glanced over from my home office to see this…he’s so far from “gangsta” it isn’t even funny!

2 Replies to “It’s the Little Things…”

  1. From an old married woman to a young married woman—I think you have it figured out. It is really important to must make date nights. Make time for them and don’t let anything get in the way of your couple time. You both work hard and have the boys to think about but it is also important to get your own time in. Hugs!

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