The first couple things that I need to tell you about StrideBox is how fun the packaging is! It comes in a neat this box that is addressed to: Speedy Katy Flint! How fun is that? What an ego boost! Then, on the side of the box is the sticker that says “I Run For _____________” and you get to fill it in depending on what you’re running for that week. Here is what I said I was running for this week!
Inside my box was all sorts of goodies! I’ll begin with the items that I’ve tried thus far!
Wednesday on my run I tried the Run Gum it is described as Developed by Olympian Nick Symmonds and coach Sam Lapray. Quick energy from caffeine, taurine, and B vitamins. ($18.00 for 12 packets). I got this gum in a citrus flavor and mint. Wednesday I chewed one piece of citrus while I was on my morning run and it definitely is quick energy! It hit me with so much caffeine that I could feel my heart pumping faster! Now, typically I do not like this kind of jolt, but this gum would definitely come in handy on race day or during a long run! It did help me finish my run faster than I had in a couple weeks, so I guess it served it’s purpose. The citrus flavor was bitter and not something I cared for, so I’m anxious to try the mint during my next long run.
Thursday during my workout, I used the Sword – Performance Hydration Drink. According to it’s description With only six natural ingredients and no artificial colors or flavors, SWORD is not too sweet and easy to digest. ($25.00 for 10 pouches and each pouch does 20oz.) I don’t typically care for electrolyte replacement drinks and tend to lean towards just straight water, but I can say that if I were to use one, I would definitely use Sword. They are right, it isn’t too sweet and it’s not syrupy in texture. I would definitely use this again!
Friday before my run I tried the PowerBar – PowerGel in Orange Dream. According to it’s description A non-caffeinated, great tasting gel that includes PowerBar’s C2MAX dual energy blend and 200mg of sodium to rreplenishon the run. ($32.40 for 24 pouches). YUCK! That’s pretty much all I can say. The orange dream flavor was horrible! I was really looking forward to trying this one as it didn’t have any caffeine in it, but after two squirts, I couldn’t do it any more and I kept burping it up during my run, so unfortunately I can’t say if it was effective or not! Perhaps I could try it in another flavor?

Also included in the box were Runa a tea sampler that offers clear, focused energy boost by balancing caffeine with antioxidants and a naturally sweet taste. $5.79 for 16 bags). Today I brewed the cinnamon-lemongrass guayusa tea and the ginger citrus guayusa tea. I brewed them and them put them in the fridge to chill for a treat because I’m not a big hot tea drinker! We’ll see how they taste! A ProMaxLS – Low Sugar Protein Bar was also in the box. I was excited to try this post run until I saw that it was chocolate mint! I don’t do chocolate mint, so that won’t be tested in my house! Also, GU-Chops Energy Chews-Black Cherry were in the box. I will be trying those during my runs next week. They boast great chewable energy in a brand new flavor. A tasty blend of amino acids, antioxidants, electrolytes, and carbs. ($31.75 for 16 packets). These also have caffeine in them, which I’m not too hyped about, but will give them a shot!
Probably the thing I’m most excited about in this box is the StrideBox – Safety – Light Up Armband. It retails for $9.99 and has 3 light options with an easy push button on and off! It also has an adjustable buckle and no velcro, which I love and can’t wait to use. Perfect for those early morning runs…once it’s not so cold outside.
Overall for my first box I was pretty pleased! I’m anxious to see what comes next month and how it can help me run better and be healthier! It’s also fun learning about new products! That is part of Learning As I Go, right?
Disclaimer: I purchased my StrideBox subscription and all thoughts and opinions are my own! The items reviewed are all a part of the StrideBox subscription.