Well, here we are again! It’s Monday again…it seems to happen faster and faster each week, doesn’t it?! Don’t get me wrong, I love my job, but sometimes I have more to do at home than I can fit in in the weekend!
1. Quiet Weekends are Good – For the past several weekends, we’ve been busy with family things, camping, baseball games, etc. This past weekend we finally had a quiet weekend at home. The boys were with their mom, so it was just T and I and we actually spent both Friday and Saturday night at home, just relaxing…grilling, watching movies (ok, he watched, I blogged). But, it made me realize that everyone should have quiet weekends at home. Because we both work full-time, we have a tendency to cram everything in on the weekends, but I think that might start changing…less cramming, more relaxing! It helps me refocus and be ready for Monday
2. Friends are the Greatest – A couple weeks ago I messaged Beth Ann of It’s Just Life and asked her if she would send us a couple whoopie pies to try, since they can’t be purchased here. Some of my friends have the greatest hearts and Beth Ann is one of them! She knows how much our boys love doing taste tests, so not only did she send us a couple…she sent us 12!! And so last week, we had a Wicked Whoopie Pie taste test! We had fun tasting each one and surprisingly, the Raspberry & Cream was the winner! But, more importantly Beth Ann knew us well enough to know how to contribute to our family memories and that means the world to me!!

3. I’m Grateful for Air Conditioning – I don’t think this needs much more explanation. The heat of the summer in Iowa is here and I’m grateful for air conditioning, the end.
4. Creating New Recipes is Fun – This past weekend, I created a new recipe! Did you catch it yesterday? If not, you can find it here. I really enjoy experimenting. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn’t…that’s the fun of it all!
5. Life is Good – for all the things I complain about (heat, working, etc) I am blessed by God 100 times over and I continually try to focus on those things in my life! Sometimes when I really think about it, I get a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes because I am so blessed!!
Have a great Monday and week everyone!!