Random Monday Thoughts, 11/2/2015

Welcome to the third installment of Random Monday Thoughts…
  1. The Dentist in our friend – I went to the dentist this past week and honestly, I love visiting the dentist.  Even as a young child, I didn’t mind the dentist, even though I routinely had teeth pulled (and that’s plural…like 3 or 4 at a time), but I had fantastic dentist who is my dentist to this day and I love going for a check up and teeth cleaning. I’m proud to report that after 34 years…still no cavities.  That’s right, I’ve NEVER had a cavity and I’m pretty proud of that!
  2. Leggings & Tunics were the best trend to ever come along.  Believe it or not, this is a hot topic where women’s fashion is concerned, but it’s clear where I stand!  I LOVE leggings & tunics, especially in the winter with tall boots.  I feel cozy and comfortable.  Some of it, I think, is because I’m so short.  It’s hard to find dress pants that fit well all around.  Leggins always fit! 🙂  Orange Possum in Hampton is probably my favorite spot to grab these two items, but…one requirement…the butt must be covered!
  3. I love my boys, but a girls day always does the heart good!  This past weekend, my mom and I traveled to the Amana Colonies to meet my BFF and her mom for the day!  I love my boys and love being with them, but dang did having a girls day away with my mom and some of my favorite people do my heart good.  If you
    Source: http://quotesnhumor.com
    Source: http://quotesnhumor.com

    haven’t had one of those days in awhile…go do it!

  4. Meal Planning is frustratingly wonderful! I love to meal plan!  I love to start the week out with an idea of something that I can make every day!  Except…I make those lists and then they go missing in the chaos of life and I’m back to scrounging every single night after work.  Why oh why can’t meal planning be easier for me?!
  5. Time is confusing to me.  The other day someone said to me.  “You and T have only been married 4 years?  It seems like longer to me!” And it made me stop and think…you know, it really does seem like longer to me too!  It seems like he and I have been together and married for at least 10 years!  But, when I stop and think about the boys…it seems like it was just yesterday!  They are growing and changing so fast!

4 Replies to “Random Monday Thoughts, 11/2/2015”

  1. Great randomness! 🙂 Especially the “cover your butt” note. I agree. I have a couple tops that are borderline so I wear them around the house and not out so I don’t have to assault anyone’s eyes. 🙂

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