1. Kids are pretty dang great! I actually asked a group of friends if my chest will ever actually explode from all the love and pride that I feel for my step-sons and there are many times that I wonder if it will! I got quality one on one time with M this morning and now R and his girlfriend are playing board games in my living room. These boys constantly remind me, through the amazing kids they are, just how blessed I am to be in their lives!
2. Baking & cooking is my coping mechanism. T’s been working late and on the weekends serving his farmers through the NH3 (Anhydrous Ammonia, which is a gas form of nitrogen) season and this is the first time that I’ve realized that when he’s not here and I have time at home alone, I bake and cook. Friday night I made a new corn side-dish (it needs some tweaking and then it’ll be shared) and had a fish fry for him when he got home. Saturday I made a caramel apple bread pudding that will also be popping up shortly as well as pan-fried pork-chops and twice baked potatoes. Sunday I made jerk chicken and vegetables (yup, that’ll be posted shortly as well), chocolate/peanut butter revel bars, roasted a chicken breast, made homemade chicken noodle soup, and fresh bread (that will ALSO be appearing here shortly)! So, clearly my coping mechanism for not having my hubby at home is baking and cooking (oh yeah and my dishwasher is running for the 2nd time today!) !
3. I’m grateful my parents live so close! Whether it’s supplying us with eggs (dad), walking Nike when we have long days (mom) or spending time with the boys and giving them different experiences (both mom and dad), I’m so incredibly blessed to live near all of my parents (yes, all 4) and they still have such an active part in mine and my boys’ lives!
2. Time goes faster than I could have even imagined. I remember when I was younger my parents constantly would say how fast the years went and how it seemed like yesterday that we were little, I couldn’t truly grasp it! Until now, until these 2 amazing boys were in my life! Now, I swear I blinked and 5 years is gone! Now, we’re through the first year of high school football, planning winter formal attire, and thinking about basketball season! I’m not buying shoes in the kids department anymore, and M is a mere 1/4 inch away from being as tall as me! What happened? Where did 5 years go??
1. This…is sometimes what life is about! Sometimes it’s just about the chocolate and treating yourself to something unhealthy, but 100% enjoying it!!
I think we share the same coping mechanism:) Happy for the fun things going on with your sons!
Thank you!