On a vacation what you would require in any place that you sleep? Interesting question! I’m picky and yet I’m not. It has to be PITCH BLACK…unless I’m in the car and then I’m like a small child and fall asleep after just a couple minutes! Otherwise, anywhere I sleep must be dark and very quiet. I’m a very light sleeper so those 2 things are key!
Music or silence while working? Again, it really depends. At work I tend to have quiet in the morning and music in the afternoon….at home, I like quiet if I’ve been on the go a lot and if there has been a lot going on. Cleaning the house and stuff like that, I love music or TV on!
If you were to move and your home came fully furnished with everything you ever wanted, list at least three things from your old house you wish to retain? Other than my 3 guys and dog? Oh gosh! I want our bed! I love mine & T’s big bed! I want my three giant photos of the four of us that hang in my living room, and I want my coffee mug! (Side story, on our honeymoon to Las Vegas one night after supper and a couple margaritas, I decided that I wanted a coffee mug as a souvenir. Long story short, I drug T around to every gift shop in New York, New York looking for THE PERFECT MUG. Well, believe it or not, I found it and haven’t found anything that compares since! I’m not sure which is better…the mug or the memories attached to the mug!)
What’s your least favorite mode of transportation? I would say driving. A lot of times I’m more impatient than the boys are on long car rides! Although, I’ve never traveled by train, so I have no opinion about that and I get incredibly motion sick, so I fear boats. I love flying…give me enough Dramamine and I’m happy as a lark!
Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? Last week…I’m just grateful for a job that I still love and a boss that’s great to work for. I’m very much looking forward to the weekend with T. It’s our “off” weekend Friday and Saturday and I’m looking forward to bonding with him AND my much needed massage on Saturday morning!
ooooh! I have to see a pic of this mug! 🙂
Look again! I had to update the post because the pic was HUGE! If it’s not there, let me know!
That is so fun!! I can see why you love it and the story behind it, is so great!
Thank you! I love it! It’s the perfect size, doesn’t have a thick “lip” and has the best memories connected to it!
The mug is PERFECT!!! I think we all have that special mug that makes us happy when we use it, right?
I have a mug that says tea on it much like your Las Vegas mug. Thanks for sharing. 🙂