What You Don’t See in Agriculture!

What You Don’t See in Agriculture!

#Plant16 is in full swing here in Iowa and that means lots of long hours for those in the agriculture community!

When you are a farmer or involved in the agricultural community there are a lot of things that are normal to you or that you’re used to seeing. When you’re not it’s easy to be unaware of what is going on behind the scenes!  It’s easy to not know how much goes in to feeding the world.  I wrote a similar post about this same topic and you can find that HERE! But, for today..I want you to think about what you don’t see on the surface of the agriculture world.

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When You Support Farming…

I’m not a farmer.  My husband isn’t a farmer, but we’re impacted and have jobs because of farmers.  Reality is that when you support farming, you support much more, and so many more than just the farmer!

When you support farming:

  • You support the farmer who is putting his young adult child through college to become another really great adult.
  • You support the salesman who is supporting his family while his wife stays home and takes care of their young children.
  • You support the 20-something young man who does the application of the fertilizer as he ventures through his first full-time job and establishing himself on his own.
  • You support the secretary of the seed company, chemical company, or elevator who is a single-mom just trying to do the best she can.

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A Trip Down Memory Lane at Tyden Farm No. 6

Recently I got the privilege of visiting Tyden Farm No. 6 with some of the other North Iowa Bloggers and what a treat it was!
The impressive Tyden No. 6 barn
The impressive Tyden No. 6 barn

The History of Tyden Farm

Tyden Farm No. 6 is located outside Dougherty, Iowa in North Central Iowa.  It is owned by Ted & Judy Pitzenberger, who bought the farm from the Tyden family in the 90’s.  Emil Tyden was a Swedish immigrant who bought several acres of premium Iowa farmland in the early 1900’s and built up a total of 8 farms!  He was a very forward thinking man and was very good to his workers, and because of that he was beloved in the area!  Tyden owned over 200 patents and made his fortune in the industrial sector of the world (Viking sprinklers and the Cargo Seal, which is still used by companies today are his most well-known accomplishments).  However, he also made a strong impression on the agricultural world in North Central Iowa and the people of Dougherty.

Ted explaining to us how the water tower (in the background) worked to provide water to the entire farm!
Ted explaining to us how the water tower (in the background) worked to provide water to the entire farm!

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I’m Not A Farmer, I’m An #agwife & I Have An Opinion (Just like you!)

I don’t live on a farm. I live in town. I don’t farm. I am a City Clerk. My husband doesn’t farm. He is a Field Sale Agronomist. But, I am an #agwife!  There are days during the year that I am a “farm widow” (meaning T works late and I’m home alone or attending events alone).  There are times during the year that I’m a “single step-mom” because T is working.  His phone can ring at any time of the day, week day or weekend, with a farmer needing something and he delivers!  There are sacrifices that our family makes for the sake of farming.  We don’t plan trips on the weekends during planting and harvest season.  T misses some of the boys’ activities to be assisting his farmers.  Some days, T doesn’t get a lunch unless I pack one for him.  But, we wouldn’t have it any other way because we firmly believe in what the farmers are doing for our country and world.
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