Random Monday Thoughts, 12/14/2015

It’s Monday again! During the holidays the weekends seem to go faster & faster, right? I guess it’s par for the course! Today, since it’s the holidays I thought I’d focus on something Christmas related! So, I’m sharing with you my five favorite ornaments on our tree! It’s fun to watch ornaments collect through the years and hear the stories that go along with them, isn’t it? So, here are my 5 favorite ornaments on our tree (in no particular order)!
This ornament was made by one of my great grandmothers! She was always making things out of yarn and plastic! This is small mailbox (both my brother and I had one) and on the other side is the year we were born! I always looked forward to getting this out each year and putting the flag up! Several years ago (I think I was probably in college) my mom wrote me a little note and stuck it in there! I’ve never removed it! I love pulling it out each year and reading it!