Dried Beef Stuffed Chicken Breasts

Do you ever have one of those new recipes that’s easy and a huge hit in your house??  What a feeling, right?! You feel like you just conquered a demon.  Well, for me it came a week or so ago.  We got our half beef for the year back in August and then later picked up our dried beef!  T has been on a kick to use the dried beef in ways other than sandwiches (just bread, butter, and dried beef for me) or dried beef gravy (chipped beef gravy) over mashed potatoes.  I haven’t been quite so determined, but he has been so I decided to appease him.

I decided that I was going to use it to make some sort of stuffed chicken breast.  The dried beef has such a strong salty flavor that I was convinced it would liven up chicken.  However, now I had a second challenge.  T is not really a fan of boneless, skinless chicken breasts because he says they get too dry and don’t have any flavor.  (Me on the hand could eat them every meal.)  I also wanted to keep the recipe simple and easy to make because that’s how I roll in my busy life.  It’s got to be easy or it will only happen once!  Here’s what I came up with!

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