Facebook Page or Group for Direct Sales??

Facebook Page or Group for Direct Sales??

You’re in business! You’ve got a brick and mortar store or have just decided to start selling for a direct sales company! You’re very excited to start spreading the word…now, to get a presence on Facebook, right? The number one rule is to not flood your personal feed with your business!!  (See THIS post if you’re curious about why!)  That’s great and I commend you for getting out there.  But, do you start a Facebook page or a group??  It’s all so overwhelming!!  To help you succeed and not lose any friends or family, or even business in the meantime, I’ve created a couple lists for you to consider when choosing a Facebook page or a group!!groups vs pages

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Direct Sales & Social Media

Direct Sales & Social Media

Oh, where do I begin?? People in direct sales and social media…they make me want to cringe! Not all of them, but a handful of them!

Now, before you start hating on me for hating on DS…I am IN direct sales. I sell for two different companies!!  I’ve sold for Jamberry Nails for almost 3 years now and Norwex for almost a year and let me tell you, I LOVE both companies that I sell for.  I love the way their treat their consultants, I love the financial bonus it provides for me and my family, and most importantly, I love the products that I sell…if I didn’t feel this way about either company, I’d drop it like a ton of bricks, but…people can trust me because I’m not selling 100% of the time!

Direct Sales is a balancing act.  You have to balance selling and not selling as to not push your family and friends away.  I also know how hard someone in direct sales has to work to make a profit!  Today, it seems like everyone is a consultant for something and there are a million and a half companies out there!  It is because of that that I have to be even more conscious to be careful not to push my friends and family away with my sales!  So, here are a few simple tips to remember.

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