My Christmas List

I said I wasn’t going to do it! I kind of laughed at those people who did it, but here I am doing it! I’m going to share with you my list of businesses that we are going to be using for Christmas shopping this year!

I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for small, locally owned businesses since I used to manage one and that feeling towards them and wanting them to succeed is still near and dear to my heart! But, it was actually T who said to me…”I want to do as much Christmas shopping locally as possible” and I couldn’t have been more excited!!  So, here are my favorite local places to buy Christmas presents…and if you live in North Iowa, I would recommend you give them a try…and if you don’t live here, you need to road trip here! 🙂

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September Comments For A Cause: Franklin County Youth for Christ

I know it’s been a few months since I participated in Comments for a Cause, but I always want to make sure that if I’m giving, it’s from the heart and for a cause that I feel strongly about. The other day I was driving to work and listening to our local radio station.  Every day about 7:35 they play a segment called “Lighten Up & Live with Ken Davis.”  If you don’t know who Ken Davis is, he’s a Christian comedian who is hysterical!  (My dad and I actually both listen and often text or call each other about his laugh for the day!)  Every day they play this segment, which is just a 30 second – 1 minute story or comedy routine that is humorous, but also has a spiritual message to it!  This segment is sponsored by Compassion International and brought to us local listeners by Franklin County Youth for Christ…and, as I was listening the other morning it came to me…they would be the recipient of my next Comments for a Cause.

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