Tag: giveaways
We Need In-Home Pet Sitters & a PETCO Giveaway!
In case you didn’t know, Nike is our beloved Shiba Inu. She is the queen of our family and the only other female in my boy-dominated house! She is also very much a momma’s girl and a diva! I wrote a whole post dedicated to her awhile back that you can find HERE!
Spring is here and summertime is fast approaching. Nike LOVES this time of year for several reasons. She loves just laying outside and watch the world go by. She also loves this time of year because the whole family spends lot’s of extra time outside and much more of it together!
Sword Hydration: A Hydrating Review
Back in November I completed my first review of StrideBox. In that first months delivery I received a sample of SWORD Hydration drink mix. Fast forward to a couple weeks ago and I received an email from Shawn Stasko, the Co-Founder and CEO of SWORD. He had read my review of his product and wanted to send me some more to try and review! After how pleased I had been with my first experience, how could I say “no”? When my package arrived, I was

very pleased! Not only did he send me samples of the Berry & Ginger Citrus flavors that they already produce, he sent me a SWORD bottle that is designed by the people at Specialized (you know…the bike people?)! I received 2 samples each of their Berry & Ginger Citrus drink mix (already produced) and he sent me 2 samples of the Orange & Green Apple flavors that they are working on developing at this time! He was great about providing me instructions on how to mix the product as well!
Warm Up with a Winter Giveaway!
I’m am so blessed that I have awesome parents! I could go on and on in this post on why they are awesome,but today…my mom is exceptionally awesome today because she crocheted an infinity scarf and boot cuffs for me
WaterSavers Travel Prize Package!
WaterSavers Travel Prize Package Giveaway It’s winter and I drive back and forth 15 miles one way for work! I depend on my car as well as need to stay warm and safe while commuting during these frigid Iowa winters!