R is 15!

I decided on M’s birthday back in March, that I would write a letter to each boy each year on their birthdays. You can read the letter to M here, but today is dedicated to R, who turns 15 today!!

Dear R,

You’re 15 today!  I’m still in denial about it and plan on staying there for the next several years!  It seems like the last 5 years have gone so fast!  (You were just 10 when we went camping together for the first time, do you remember that?)  I do, so very clearly!  You were so little!  Not so much anymore!  You’re my gentle giant now!  I don’t know if I’ve ever met a 15 year old boy (I know you’re not a boy anymore, but see the first sentence about denial) that is as gentle and quiet as you.  You’ve always been that way too (as long as I’ve known you anyway)!

Our relationship has been fantastic!  We’ve never really had any issues between you and I and it seems, in my opinion, that our relationship is a special one.  It’s not like the one you have with your mom (and that’s great) or even the one you have with dad…it’s just what’s perfect for you and me.  I cherish it, I hope you know that!  I cherish the times we spend together! I cherish the memories we have together and those times when we just get to talk and you tell me about whatever is going on in your life!  Those times hold the most meaning in my heart and always will! 

Continue “R is 15!”

M is 11!

You’ll forgive me if #TastyTuesday takes a week off so I can recognize M’s 11th birthday right?  I appreciate it!  It’s amazing to me the longer that the boys and I are in each others lives how much I love them and how much more connected to them I become!

Dear M,

You’re 11 today!  I don’t know how it happened!  Do you know that you had just turned 6 when you and your deep brown eyes entered my life?  I could have sworn it was just yesterday!!  I wasn’t there when you were born, or when you took your first steps or said your first words, but you have had, for years now and will continue forever and always, a special place in my heart!  You are such an amazing little boy (and really, not so little anymore as you are on a quest to be bigger than me and you pride yourself in every inch closer that you get!)  I want to keep you little!  I want to keep folding your little clothes, although they keep getting bigger and bigger!  I’m not ready for you to grow up, but I know it’s going to happen no matter what! 

Continue “M is 11!”