Dispelling Some Blended Family Myths

I’m very excited and honored to have a guest post today by The Blended Family Mom!  As a fellow step-mom she understands some of the hard parts of being wife #2 and a step-mom, but also focuses on the positives and making the situation better instead of focusing on the negative and the drama! I love this post and even if you aren’t a part of a blended family, I believe that every married person and parent can find a couple of takeaways from it!  Enjoy!


I finally met the man of my dreams … this new marriage will be wonderful!
His kids are great … it won’t be a problem to step in and be a step parent!!
Parenting stepchildren is no different from parenting my own kids.

Did you ever make any of these statements, or think any of these thoughts? Did you find them to be totally true in your new blended family?  When I met my husband, Dan, he was pretty much everything that I wanted in a man and in my next marriage. Yes, I am an open and affectionate woman – any kid would love me; after all, I was a first-grade teacher! And parenting another man’s children … no problem!

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Are You Doing Love? Thoughts on Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching tomorrow! Are you ready? Are you doing anything special? Regardless of how we feel about the holiday we can’t help but think about our loved ones.

Now, I’m the first person to say that we shouldn’t need a holiday to show our loved ones how we feel about them and while I agree, I also can’t help but feel the tug to be traditional and want a romantic evening and weekend with my hubby.  But, isn’t it what we do and how we act with and toward our loved ones throughout the year that really shows how much we love them?

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One of Those Days

Before I begin, I want to thank everyone who commented on any of my posts in December!  We were able to raise $26.00 for the Rossi House!  The exciting part is that this is almost double what I donated last month!  Thank you all for having great hearts!

I met my mom for a walk this other day. As I met her, I said, “Please tell me that you had days when I was little that you thought…it’s only 11AM, it’s not too late to start drinking!” Oh boy did she laugh at me! (And then she proceeded to tell me that she didn’t think of drinking, but of finding someone to pawn me off on!  Comforting and yet disturbing all at once!)

Continue “One of Those Days”

The Highs & the Lows

I know that I didn’t give birth to R & M and I would never claim them as my biological children. They have a mother, they have that person who gave birth to them and shares their blood. I don’t and I know that and I’m reminded of that daily. However, I do love those boys as though they were biologically mine and I do consider them mine as well! I do parent them; I wash their dirty underwear; I make them meals; put band-aids on; help with homework & projects; get stains out of shirts & jeans; make them clean their rooms; listen to them talk about their day; I buy items because I know they like a specific snack; I think about what foods they like & don’t like when I cook meals; I pick them up from school & practices; I buy them clothes and shoes,; I pay for registration for extra curricular events. In all senses of the word, I am a parent to those boys. Do I do it full-time? Nope! Do I get the lows & the highs of parenting? Absolutely!

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