Last year about this time, I met up with some of the North Iowa Bloggers for one of those wine and painting parties…I’m a terrible painter! Then, I tried my hand at making my own Christmas wreath and was so in love with
Me and my abysmal painting!
the results that I ended up leaving it hanging on my house until the very end of February! So, up until this point I had faired a solid 50/50 on my DIY events/projects, so it was all up in the air when I went to the West Fork Wharf in Sheffield the other night to create a mixed media item with Kelly Gau Studio! I knew that regardless of what my piece of art looked like, I would have a great time because I was with my dear friends (Alicia of Pork Diaries, Laura of Life On Sky View Farms, Val of Corn, Beans, Pigs, & Kids, and Donna of!
Recently, I was able to meet up with a couple of my friends who also happen to be North Iowa Bloggers for a quick lunch! I’m always up for trying something new and I had heard great things about the State Street Deli in Mason City, so we gave it a try!
Recently I got the privilege of visiting Tyden Farm No. 6 with some of the other North Iowa Bloggers and what a treat it was!
The impressive Tyden No. 6 barn
The History of Tyden Farm
Tyden Farm No. 6 is located outside Dougherty, Iowa in North Central Iowa. It is owned by Ted & Judy Pitzenberger, who bought the farm from the Tyden family in the 90’s. Emil Tyden was a Swedish immigrant who bought several acres of premium Iowa farmland in the early 1900’s and built up a total of 8 farms! He was a very forward thinking man and was very good to his workers, and because of that he was beloved in the area! Tyden owned over 200 patents and made his fortune in the industrial sector of the world (Viking sprinklers and the Cargo Seal, which is still used by companies today are his most well-known accomplishments). However, he also made a strong impression on the agricultural world in North Central Iowa and the people of Dougherty.
Ted explaining to us how the water tower (in the background) worked to provide water to the entire farm!
The North Iowa Bloggers seemed to have hatched some mild monsters in my guys with all their taste tests. The bloggers have done the Lay’s Do Us A Flavor, Oreo, and pizza taste tests. Well, after the Oreo taste test Beth Ann sent leftover Oreos home with me for the boys to try! We did a very impromptu taste test, but they thoroughly enjoyed it! Then, after the official NIB pizza taste test, the boys decided that we needed to have one of our own, so we did! Well, this past weekend proved that my guys are loving the taste tests just as much as the bloggers. While shopping with T & M, we stumbled upon Wildwood Soda at Mills Fleet Farm and noticed that they had some unique flavors like Pineapple & Pina Colada…well, 6 bottles of soda later, we were headed home to try our very own soda taste test!
Our soda selections for the taste test!
Goodbye’s are never easy. It doesn’t matter if it’s a dear one who has passed or someone who is moving away, they are never easy. If you follow any of the North Iowa Bloggers, you know that we’ve been saying
I LOVE when I get together with the #NorthIowaBloggers! Everytime we get together, attend a function, or plan something it’s always a different conglomeration of people and it’s always a good time! This past Monday was no different. Thanks to Val of Corn, Beans, Pigs, & Kids (even though she ended up not being able to make it) a group of us gathered at the Mason City, Iowa Applebee’s location for a #BeesMeetup. We warned Applebees via social media that we were coming for them and boy were they ready for us. They were ready not only on their social media platforms, but also the staff at the restaurant was ready for us! Thankfully (not sure if it was for us or them) we had an inside hook-up with Loni of Lifestyles of the Pantsless. Loni is a part-time waitress at Applebees and warned prepped the staff for our arrival. The manager of the Mason City location was also kind enough to treat us to 9
The bloggers doing what they do best…being on our phones! Photo Credit to the Applbees hostess!
different types of appetizers from their menu! (Yes, there is only a few more and by ordering we ended up tasting every single one of them!) The staff was attentive, efficient, courteous, and very tolerable of our group with our chit chat, Tweeting, Facebooking, Instagramming, and requests for pictures!
8 months ago I attended my first North Iowa Blogger get-together. It was a chip tasting party for Lay’s Do Us A Flavor challenge and met this amazing group of woman. (Read about that experience HERE) Last week we got together for a Pizza Taste Off party! It all started with Beth Ann of It’s Just Life mentioning that she had never had Casey’s General Store’s pizza. Between Twitter and our thoughts…well, the rest is now history!
Disclosure: I’m sorry this is a bit delayed getting going, but as you read on, I think you will understand why. Before stepping into this month’s Cause, let’s recap February! February was Library Lover’s Month. As I’ve gotten to know
On a day such as this a lot of thoughts go through my head and while the following post doesn’t have a strong theme or story, it is what is in my head and my heart today.
9AM – I’m supposed to be working today. I mean I’m at work and trying to be productive, but I’m not being very successful at it. My heart hurts, my heal is full of thoughts and feels like it’s full of cotton balls. My eyes actually hurt just looking at the computer screen. Yesterday, the #NorthIowaBloggers and many others lost a good friend. Amy of Modern Rural Living epitomized positivity, happiness, and living life to the fullest. Amy’s life was cut short as the result of a tragic car accident yesterday. I don’t even know where to go with this post after writing that. My fingers seem frozen over the keyboard. As hard as I try to focus, it isn’t happening or at least not coming easy. As I told fellow #NorthIowaBlogger, Beth Ann, this morning…being an adult sucks sometimes. Dealing with adult issues and then having to do the “adult thing”, which for me is coming to work this morning when all I really want to do is curl up in my jammies and be sad and cry and sleep.
Last week were great questions from Cee of Cee’s Photography and this week doesn’t disappoint either!
Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest? This is so hard! I wouldn’t even know where to begin to decide who, but I do know that I would want it to be someone out of the ordinary…a war vet, someone who survived the Holocaust….something like that!