Tag: social media
The Do’s & Dont’s of Social Media And Business
Social Media and business is ever changing, developing, and advancing! It can be hard to keep up, know the right from wrong, AND run your actual business all at once. So, I have developed this short list of some simple Do’s and Dont’s for business owners where social media is concerned! Without further adieu….
DO Be Consistent – almost all social media platforms use algorithms to decide what content to place in front of it’s users. Because of this, it’s more important to be consistent with your posting! At a minimum, one post a day for Facebook and 3-4 for Twitter! Instagram users, I would recommend 1-2 a day as well! Being consistent and a posting frequently will help ensure that your followers see your content!
DON’T Post Personal Things – just as you need to keep your business off your personal profile, you need to keep your personal things off your business profile. Posting personal things make you appear unprofessional and really, who wants to do business with someone who isn’t professional? Keep personal and business separate!
Social Media and 5 Things I’ve Learned

I’ve been on Facebook (personally) for about 8 years now. I’ve been on Twitter for three, I’ve been on Instagram for about 2, and I’ve been blogging for two as well. That’s a lot of years of social media. That’s a lot of experiences and that’s a lot of lessons learned! So, here are what I consider my most important lessons that I’ve learned about social media!
1. Not Everything Has to Go On Social Media – To most people this may seem like common knowledge, but we all know the other group who aren’t quite aware of this yet! It doesn’t matter if it’s that adorable naked baby picture of your youngest or the reason why you were arguing with your spouse. Some things just don’t need to be on social media! And, it doesn’t matter whether it’s being posted on Facebook, Instagram, or a blog…somethings just don’t belong. So, before posting really think about who is going to be viewing it and the message that you want to send to them and everyone else who might see it.
2. Nothing is ever “Gone” from Social Media – I think we’ve all done it…posted something to a social media and then seconds or minutes later thought, “that probably wasn’t a good idea” (see Item #1); so you go back and delete it and breathe a sigh of relief! I hate to tell you but…it isn’t gone! Since the invention of the cellphone and all it’s amazing features, we now have the screen shot! We all need to remember that when posting because we have no idea who may have taken a screen shot of our post to use for later. I urge you that if you are posting something on a knee-jerk reaction, please…take a deep breath and step away from the platform. After you’ve thought about it for several minutes, if not hours, proceed! Remember, it’s never really gone!!
Facebook Page or Group for Direct Sales??

Direct Sales & Social Media

Oh, where do I begin?? People in direct sales and social media…they make me want to cringe! Not all of them, but a handful of them!
Now, before you start hating on me for hating on DS…I am IN direct sales. I sell for two different companies!! I’ve sold for Jamberry Nails for almost 3 years now and Norwex for almost a year and let me tell you, I LOVE both companies that I sell for. I love the way their treat their consultants, I love the financial bonus it provides for me and my family, and most importantly, I love the products that I sell…if I didn’t feel this way about either company, I’d drop it like a ton of bricks, but…people can trust me because I’m not selling 100% of the time!
Direct Sales is a balancing act. You have to balance selling and not selling as to not push your family and friends away. I also know how hard someone in direct sales has to work to make a profit! Today, it seems like everyone is a consultant for something and there are a million and a half companies out there! It is because of that that I have to be even more conscious to be careful not to push my friends and family away with my sales! So, here are a few simple tips to remember.
Making Social Media Work For You!
Small businesses are so great! They each have their own focus, unique to them, and very different from the one down the street! Thankfully, social media can be tailored to you, your business, and needs! So, how can you do
Why Facebook for Small Business
As you may know, I recently launched my new business, Social Impact. Basically put, I am a free-lance social media marketer and blogger. That means people can hire me to manage their social media platforms (businesses) and blog for them. So,
Introducing Social Impact!
I’m excited to announce a new venture in my life! If you haven’t picked up on it by now, two of my passions are social media (duh, right?!) and small businesses! For over a year now, I’ve been working with