Sword Hydration: A Hydrating Review
Back in November I completed my first review of StrideBox. In that first months delivery I received a sample of SWORD Hydration drink mix. Fast forward to a couple weeks ago and I received an email from Shawn Stasko, the Co-Founder and CEO of SWORD. He had read my review of his product and wanted to send me some more to try and review! After how pleased I had been with my first experience, how could I say “no”? When my package arrived, I was

very pleased! Not only did he send me samples of the Berry & Ginger Citrus flavors that they already produce, he sent me a SWORD bottle that is designed by the people at Specialized (you know…the bike people?)! I received 2 samples each of their Berry & Ginger Citrus drink mix (already produced) and he sent me 2 samples of the Orange & Green Apple flavors that they are working on developing at this time! He was great about providing me instructions on how to mix the product as well!