Now, I’m the first person to say that we shouldn’t need a holiday to show our loved ones how we feel about them and while I agree, I also can’t help but feel the tug to be traditional and want a romantic evening and weekend with my hubby. But, isn’t it what we do and how we act with and toward our loved ones throughout the year that really shows how much we love them?
So, how do you show your loved one that you really love them? Is it with flowers & chocolates? Is it with diamonds? Is it with a supper out? Or, is it by the daily things you do for them and the support you give them?
How do I show my three guys that I love them? Well, for R & M I make a fresh batch of chocolate chocolate chip muffins each week (their favorite breakfast). I accomodate supper requests (lately it’s been meatloaf, goulash, & chip casserole). I plan birthday celebrations to make them feel special. I ask them about their day…what was the best part of their day, what was the worst? What did they have for lunch? I cheer them on as one of their biggest fans regardless of what it is: soccer, football, baseball, basketball, track, horse riding, band, and choir. I watch “Chopped” with M, I talk sports and play one on one with R. I love them unconditionally.
How do I show T that I love him? I buy whatever he writes on the grocery list regardless of how gross or unhealthy I think it is! I make him lasagna (probably his favorite meal), I make sure he has clean clothes. I help him move snow, mow, and work outside. I hand him tools when he’s on the roof. I am his teammate in everything. I give him his space when I can tell he needs his alone time. I ask him how his day was, what did he do, what did he have for lunch? I work hard to help him provide financially for our family. I thank him for the things he does for us. I tell him daily that I love him.
As Valentine’s Day approaches and I prep for my weekend with my beloved best friend, I get a little sappy thinking about how much I love him and his boys and how full and happy my life is with the three of them in it. I hope they know how much I love them. I strive continually to perfect showing them, but the inperfection is proof that I’m always Learning As I Go.
You are such a great wife and stepmom! I agree, love is shown daily and all year long 🙂
Thank you for your kind words!