Random Monday Thoughts, 11/8/2015

Random Monday Thoughts, 11/8/2015

It’s Monday again! How did that happen? Why do the weekends go so fast? Oh well, it happens every 7 days, so I guess we’ll just deal with it, right?

1.  Kids are pretty dang great!  I actually asked a group of friends if my chest will ever actually explode from all the love and pride that I feel for my step-sons and there are many times that I wonder if it will!  I got quality one on one time with M this morning and now R and his girlfriend are playing board games in my living room.  These boys constantly remind me, through the amazing kids they are, just how blessed I am to be in their lives!

2.  Baking & cooking is my coping mechanism.  T’s been working late and on the weekends serving his farmers through the NH3 (Anhydrous Ammonia, which is a gas form of nitrogen) season and this is the first time that I’ve realized that when he’s not here and I have time at home alone, I bake and cook.  Friday night I made a new corn side-dish (it needs some tweaking and then it’ll be shared) and had a fish fry for him when he got home.  Saturday I made a caramel apple bread pudding that will also be popping up shortly as well as pan-fried pork-chops and twice baked potatoes.  Sunday I made jerk chicken and vegetables (yup, that’ll be posted shortly as well), chocolate/peanut butter revel bars, roasted a chicken breast, made homemade chicken noodle soup, and fresh bread (that will ALSO be appearing here shortly)!  So, clearly my coping mechanism for not having my hubby at home is baking and cooking (oh yeah and my dishwasher is running for the 2nd time today!) !

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You Stay Home, I’ll Go To Work, Part 2

You Stay Home, I’ll Go To Work, Part 2

In “You Stay Home, I’ll Go To Work, Part 1” we heard from SAHM’s (stay at home mom’s) on how they made their decision, how they make it work, and how they stay sane! Check out the questions that people had for our FTWM’s (full time working moms).

How do you manage to stay on top of everything?  

FTWM #1 – “It’s all about using your time wisely, prioritizing, and not getting stressed if something doesn’t get done (there’s always tomorrow) and asking for help, when needed … My kids are old enough to start doing chores – so I can put a load of towels on the couch and then put what’s in the washer into the dryer and start a new load in the washer – when I come back, the towels are folded .”

FTWM #2 – “A lot of planning, but acceptance that you will make mistakes and forget something. Our mornings are so time oriented due to bus schedules and getting to work on time. I plan out as much as I can the night before. I also use both my phone and a paper calendar. My husband and I cc each other in on emails regarding things that we both may need to know. Also we utilize apps on our phone that lets us sync grocery lists and calendars with each other. Okay, more so it is me doing the calendar and reminding him. But you get it” 🙂

How do you do it all?  FTWM #2 admitted to wishing she had more time during the day to spend time with friends or doing activities with her kids.  She also admitted that she doesn’t get “it” all done and sometimes that’s hard.  While, FTWM #1 said “you just do! Busy people get things done!”.

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You Stay Home, I’ll Go To Work, Part 1

You Stay Home, I’ll Go To Work, Part 1

“On our second date, both my husband and I said we wanted one of us to be home with our kids” 

“It was really quite easy for me..I know I’m an odd mom!!  However, I appreciate that space…I appreciate the “freedom” and time away – then I can love up on them even more when I get home!”  

Ah, the age-old question of being a full-time SAHM (stay at home mom) or FTWM (full-time working mom).  (And before I go any further my acronym for moms who work full-time outside the home is not to imply that SAHM’s don’t work, this is just the easiest way to identify between the two.)  It seems like this has been a debate for as long as man-kind has been around, however lately I’ve noticed an increase in judgement of those that stay home and those that work from people in the opposite groups.  I decided to do a little unscientific research of my own.  I polled my Facebook fans and friends to gather questions for both groups as well as me having a few questions of my own, then I asked a couple friends (both SAHM and FTWM to help me out and answer the questions.  My goal is for all of us to better understand each other and ultimately support each other no matter which route we choose for our family!  So, here’s what I found out!

Continue “You Stay Home, I’ll Go To Work, Part 1”

Be Healthier Now, Part 2

Be Healthier Now, Part 2

Welcome to the second part of this series from Shannon Ambroson, wellness coach! If you didn’t catch part one, you can do so HERE!

In the first edition we covered that eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be hard and covered steps 1-3 of how to do so.  Make sure to visit part 1 to get those tips!

  1.  Eat correct portions and times per day.

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Be Healthier Now, Part 1

I’m so excited to have Shannon Ambroson as a feature writer on my site for 2 editions of “Be Healthier Now!”  We all know that I love living a healthy lifestyle and making healthy choices, but I’m no expert, so I brought an expert in!  I hope you enjoy it and connect with Shannon if she speaks to you!   Shannon is a Wellness Coach and Independent Team Beachbody Coach and blogs regularly about health, fitness and wellness shannonambrosonwellness shannonambroson.com.  She is a 32 year old military wife and mom of two, and self proclaimed coffee addict, working to make the world and her friends a bit healthier, one day at a time.

For some reason, people have the mentality of, “If I can’t go all in, it’s not worth it.”  But what the mentality of, “To get anywhere you have to take the first step”??  Who says you have to do it all HARDCORE or it won’t work??

I put together a list that for most of you will seem like “duh” tasks… but are you doing them?  If you’re considering making a change in your life–including losing weight–here are some things you can do right NOW to get started.

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