Are You the Food Police??
Warning! I’m stepping up on my soap box!
My friend Jeni at Jeni Eats recently wrote a post about being a food snob! A food snob, I am not!! (She isn’t either by the way and you can read more about that HERE) but she brings up a very important item of business that I felt so strongly about that I decided to write a post myself…well, to be honest I was commenting on her post and when I looked up after typing with a fury I had written a LARGE paragraph and thought, “someone else’s blog is not the place for my soap box!” So, here I am asking you, “Are you the food police?” “Do you have a license to judge me for what I eat and what I feed my family?” It seems that in today’s world so many people have strayed into a world of being Judgy McJudgerson! If you don’t agree with me (be it politics, religion, food choices, etc) then you’re wrong and a horrible person. Whether you are Christian, Jewish, atheist, Republican, Democrat, pro-GMO, non-GMO, vegan, pro-red meat, organic, pro-processed foods it isn’t your place to judge others who may be different than yourself. Can you disagree with them? Absolutely! Do you have to belittle them in the process and push their noses into your beliefs/positions until they give in? Absolutely not!