Garden Update, May 8th 2017

Garden Update, May 8th 2017

Can you believe two weeks have flown by since the first garden update?!  How does time fly faster each week?  Thanks to Iowa weather, we had almost a week straight of rain and cold temps, so I was wondering if I was ever going to get to dig in the dirt!  Praise the good Lord, the sun came out last week and the rain stopped, so dirt has dried up and I went shopping for my flowers with my mom!

I’m so excited to give you a tour of my gardens this week because I finally got my annual flowers planted and even snagged a couple new perennials as well! So, let’s just get to showing you all the goodness!

If you followed along last year, you’ll know that I have flower boxes and a plantar by my front door, a raised bed around our flag pole and a couple pots that all get annuals.  I also have a spot that I call the North bed which is all perennials and thanks to my friends at Natural Plus Nursery, it seems to get something new each year!

North Perennial Bed

So, we’ll start with the North bed!  This year I added a Firewitch that will bloom pink!  I’m so excited about this as the leaves are a completely different shade green as the other items in this bed and the pink will be a fun color!  It will also be a shorter plant so, it’ll offset all the phlox I have in this bed!  I’m looking forward to seeing how it grows and spreads throughout the year!


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What I’m Loving Right Now, May 2017

It’s May already?! How did that happen?? We are on the downhill slide of track season (unless R makes it to the state track meet)! We actually only have 4 meets left between the two boys!  But, since it’s a new month, that means a new round of What I’m Loving Right Now and a giveaway (that I’m super excited about) at the end!

It’s All About the Tunic

Can I be perfectly honest with you?  I could live in nothing but leggings and tunics!  It’s true and I’m not ashamed to admit it!  If you find the right combo, it can be like wearing pajamas to work, so really…what’s not to love?!  Right now I’m loving this Apt. 9 Tunic Tee from Kohls!  While they call is a tee, the texture is similar to a microsuede so it makes it dressy enough to wear to work!  Seriously comfy and stylish at the same time!  It comes in a variety of colors and prints, but of course, I snagged it in gray!  That is one of my two color groups that I wear!  (If you don’t believe me, check out last month’s edition!) Ha!

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Moonshine Recipes: Lime Smith Creek Moonshine Margarita

Moonshine Recipes: Lime Smith Creek Moonshine Margarita

Who’s on the lookout for moonshine recipes? 

Moonshine margarita

Spring is a crazy time of year in our house and this Lime Moonshine Margarita is currently my saving grace!  And thanks to Smith Creek and this moonshine recipe, I’m surviving!  Ok, well…maybe it’s not as dramatic as that, but I can say that I have enjoyed a few of these in the past couple months when I have a minute of downtime!

As T and I were headed back from Branson this past February, it dawned on us, that the only souvenirs we brought back with us were alcoholic.  (I promise we don’t need AA!)  But, as it ended up on this trip, we visited the Crown Valley Distillery for a short tour and some tastings and we also visited Smith Creek Moonshine Tasting Room at the Branson Landing!  Since then, I’ve been on the hunt for great moonshine recipes.

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2017 Garden Update, 4/24/2017

2017 Garden Update, 4/24/2017

Can you believe it?! Gardening season is finally here! Well, according to the weather forecast, it’s gardening season for a day or two then it’ll be cold and wet again! Geesh!  But, I couldn’t wait any longer, so it’s officially the first Garden Update post!  Last year, I waited until the end of May and well…that is just too long!  So, here it is!

So, is there a lot to update you on with the gardens?  Have I actually done a lot in the gardens yet?  No, not really, but I am so stinking excited this year to share it all with you, that I figured we might as well start from the very beginning, right?!

Vegetable Garden

I basically badgered T this weekend to till our vegetable garden until he gave in!  It seemed dry on the top…well, maybe he was right and it was too wet.  However, he’s as stubborn as I am, so by the time he had tilled half of it, he told me I was planting it, so planting we did!  We put in cucumbers, green onions, radishes, tomatoes, and a row of green beans!  I’m hoping the sun and warm temps today will give those little seeds a jump start otherwise, I’ll never live this down!  (I think you can see from the picture how wet it actually can see where we packed it down in between rows!)  There is still the other half of the garden to till and plant (when and if it ever dries up) along with 2 other sections that are adjoining!

Vegetable Garden
April 23rd 2017 Vegetable Garden


Continue “2017 Garden Update, 4/24/2017”

Happy Birthday M!

Happy Birthday M!

I can’t believe it’s M’s birthday again! Each year it seems to come around faster and faster! He’s becoming a teenager this year and I’m in denial. In fact, I’ve been completely avoiding the topic because I get teary whenever I think about it! I’m not sure how it’s happened, but it has!

Happy Birthday M!

Dear M, 

You’re 13 today!  I don’t know how it happened!  (Funny, I started your 11th birthday letter the exact same way!)  It’s official that you’re a teenager and I’m not dealing well with it!  You, my sweet, brown-eyed boy, are such an amazing kid!  6 years ago when I joined your family, I would never have imagined what a place in my heart you would have!  And really, you’re not a boy anymore, you are definitely a young man!  And a  young man I’m so proud of!  

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Italian Egg Salad Recipe- A Creamy Twist

Italian Egg Salad Recipe- A Creamy Twist

I love hard boiled eggs, which results in loving most egg salad!  Recently, I developed a love for this Italian Egg Salad recipe and I’m so glad that I discovered it.  It’s refreshing and simple, yet full of flavor and delicious!

Italian Egg Salad

Why Egg Salad

My Grandma P made THE BEST egg salad I remember ever having!  Unfortunately, she was killed in a car accident when I was 11, so I never got to write down her recipe and of course, like many grandmas, she never did document it.  So, no matter how hard I’ve tried in my adult years, I can’t recreate it, so I’ve stopped trying!  Instead, I decided to come up with my own delicious egg salad.

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10-Week Wellness Challenge Update & A Giveaway

10-Week Wellness Challenge Update & A Giveaway

I can’t believe that we are almost finished with the 10-Week Wellness Challenge!  It seems like only yesterday that The Iowa Food & Family Project invited me to join their team!  I was so excited when they did and I had such high hopes of blowing it out of the water this year!  HA!  Well, then life happened!Wellness Challenge

I’ve struggled with being healthy for the majority of my adult life!  I’m, what I call myself, a coping anorexic!  If you look at me today you wouldn’t guess that to be the case, but it’s true!!  You see,  being healthy has several different definitions.  Obtaining a healthy lifestyle depends on your own personal situation.  For me, being healthy is finding a balance with my eating and exercise.  All of this, along with “life” during the 10-Week Wellness Challenge has gotten me to these realizations:

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