So, how many hats do I wear? Well, this week for example I am a City Clerk (my full-time big-girl job), wife, step-mom, daughter, daughter-in-law, Norwex consultant, social media expert, and Jamberry Nails consultant. Whew, I’m exhausted! So, why do I “do” all these things? Well, to be honest, I’ve gained so many great skills and experiences, that I can’t help it! Let’s look at these individually!
- City Clerk – I kind of fell into this job! Ok, well, pushed really! I was unhappy in my previous job, burned out really, and T basically forced (not really, but I like to tell people he did) me to apply! So, here I am! I love the job and the people that I’ve met while doing it. The experiences and skills that I’ve gained. But, the why? Well, to be honest…I helping to raise 2 very active, fast growing boys…they are not cheap to feed!!!
- Wife – I do this because I found that person who complimented me! He is calm when I’m not, he is strong when I am not, and we make a fantastic team! I’ve also gained skills from being married: negotiating, compromising, patience, growth, etc.
- Step-Mom – oh boy…talk about learning! I have learned that I can love someone who I did not give birth to, more than I love myself! I’ve learned selflessness and patience, gratitude and strength!
- Direct Sales Consultant – I not only have developed my people skills even more so than before, but I’ve also developed a sense of worth by doing “extra” to provide for my family as well as gaining friendships that will last for a long time! My communication has also been challenged and I’ve been forced to learn different ways to not only read people, but how to respond.
Obviously I’m a daughter, daughter-in-law, and the rest that I listed by default of the other hats that I wear, but it doesn’t mean that those hats haven’t taught me several lessons and have helped me to develop all the other skills that I listed previously. While some days I’m so busy my own head spins and I feel like my list of “to do’s” is never ending, but I am grateful for the experiences and hats that have been brought into my life.
What hats do you wear?? What have you learned from your different hats?

If you’d like to connect with me on my other Social Media profiles, you can click the links below!
Katy Flint – Norwex Independent Consultant
My main four “hats” are Wife, Mom, Farmer and Volunteer. All of them are very important to me and feed a different part of my heart. I guess it is meant to be since with four chambers of the heart
I love that analogy/theory! You do them all so well!
I am always admiring my friends who juggle so many hats!
Oh gosh! I don’t know if it’s something to admire…I sometimes think I need to learn to say no, but…I also know that I’d get bored if I wasn’t juggling multiple things!
I’m with Jeni in admiration. I hardly keep up with myself and you all do so much more with ease it seems.
Oh gosh! Maybe I should have shared more about about the days I feel like I’m going to have a melt down! Lol!
I have worn a lot of hats over the years and I love being able to have many. It is what makes life interesting, in my humble opinion. Thanks for sharing yours with us today.
Hard to pick a favorite, right?
My favorites would be wife & step-mom for sure, but I agree that it’s what keeps life interesting. While I feel overwhelmed at times, I also get bored if I don’t have 4 things going on at once! (oh, and I forgot fitness instructor!)