One Hat, 2 Hats, Red Hat, Blue Hat

I know, a cheesy spin-off of Dr. Seuss, right? But, honestly…it describes my life right now. A few months back a friend of mine, Jen over at Just A Mom Giving It A Tri wrote about the different hats that she wears as a woman! Without even realizing it today, I started a Facebook post related to that topic and suddenly I decided it was much better as a blog post! (You can read about Jen & her hats HERE!)

So, how many hats do I wear?  Well, this week for example I am a City Clerk (my full-time big-girl job), wife, step-mom, daughter, daughter-in-law, Norwex consultant, social media expert, and Jamberry Nails consultant.  Whew, I’m exhausted!  So, why do I “do” all these things?  Well, to be honest, I’ve gained so many great skills and experiences, that I can’t help it!  Let’s look at these individually!

  1. City Clerk – I kind of fell into this job!  Ok, well, pushed really!  I was unhappy in my previous job, burned out really, and T basically forced (not really, but I like to tell people he did) me to apply!  So, here I am!  I love the job and the people that I’ve met while doing it.  The experiences and skills that I’ve gained.  But, the why?  Well, to be honest…I helping to raise 2 very active, fast growing boys…they are not cheap to feed!!!
  2. Wife – I do this because I found that person who complimented me!  He is calm when I’m not, he is strong when I am not, and we make a fantastic team!  I’ve also gained skills from being married: negotiating, compromising, patience, growth, etc.
  3. Step-Mom – oh boy…talk about learning!  I have learned that I can love someone who I did not give birth to, more than I love myself!  I’ve learned selflessness and patience, gratitude and strength!
  4. Direct Sales Consultant – I not only have developed my people skills even more so than before, but I’ve also developed a sense of worth by doing “extra” to provide for my family as well as gaining friendships that will last for a long time!  My communication has also been challenged and I’ve been forced to learn different ways to not only read people, but how to respond.

Obviously I’m a daughter, daughter-in-law, and the rest that I listed by default of the other hats that I wear, but it doesn’t mean that those hats haven’t taught me several lessons and have helped me to develop all the other skills that I listed previously.  While some days I’m so busy my own head spins and I feel like my list of “to do’s” is never ending, but I am grateful for the experiences and hats that have been brought into my life.

What hats do you wear??  What have you learned from your different hats?


3 of the hats I wear: wife, Norwex Consultant, Jamberry consultant
3 of the hats I wear: wife, Norwex Consultant, Jamberry consultant

If you’d like to connect with me on my other Social Media profiles, you can click the links below!

Katy Flint – Norwex Independent Consultant

Katy Flint’s Jamberry Nails




8 Replies to “One Hat, 2 Hats, Red Hat, Blue Hat”

    1. Oh gosh! I don’t know if it’s something to admire…I sometimes think I need to learn to say no, but…I also know that I’d get bored if I wasn’t juggling multiple things!

  1. I have worn a lot of hats over the years and I love being able to have many. It is what makes life interesting, in my humble opinion. Thanks for sharing yours with us today. 🙂 Hard to pick a favorite, right?

    1. My favorites would be wife & step-mom for sure, but I agree that it’s what keeps life interesting. While I feel overwhelmed at times, I also get bored if I don’t have 4 things going on at once! (oh, and I forgot fitness instructor!)

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