5 Tips for the First Years as a Step-Parent

There are articles in magazines and all over the internet for surviving your first trimester of a pregnancy, the first year of your babies life..there are books written about it. But what about those of us who actually didn’t birth the children in our care?? Becoming a stepmom is the most wonderful, difficult, rewarding, and frustrating thing I’ve ever experienced in my life! I can’t imagine my life without my step-sons in it anymore, but wow were those first couple of years tough!! Here are my top 5 tips for step-parents to help you survive the first years as a step-parent!
5. Stop Comparing Your Family to Other Blended Families – it’s easy to compare yourself to Bob & Mary down the street and how their blended family works, but it’s pointless! Every blended family is different and that’s because every person is different, every divorce is different, and every marriage is different. Realize this and be OK with it. Be confident in the blended family you have and focus on it! Don’t compare yours to someone else’s because you will always feel let down!